Cash Generator’s latest research has revealed that we claim to be less addicted to our mobile phones than we were just four years ago – while 87% of people now own a mobile phone, up from 83% in 2011, only a third (32%) confessed to being addicted to their devices, down from half (49%) – despite the fact that smartphone ownership has rocketed from 35% to 77%.

They also found that four in ten of us still leave our phones on at all times, while 45% say we use our phones before we get out of bed in the morning, a 10% increase on 2011. Over half of us use our phones for entertainment when we’re bored, up from 42% just a few years ago, while a fifth of us (22%) now pretend to be on a call to avoid interacting with other people. 40% of us would even give up alcohol, 32% would sacrifice chocolate and 8% would abstain from sex than be without our phone for a week!

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Are You Addicted To Your Mobile Phone?


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David Wallace

David Wallace is a search & social media marketer who lives in Ahwatukee Arizona with his lovely wife. Interests & hobbies include all things Disney, roller coasters, musicianship and Christianity.