Comparing Razor Costs

This infographic compares the operating costs of a cartridge razor, safety razor, disposable razor, and a straight razor for a period of 70 years. Learn the cost differences between these different shavers and how much they may spend over the long haul if they continue using a cartridge and disposable razors.

How to Disappear From the Internet Completely

Do you long for days gone by, when our lives were led in the real world rather than online? Or possibly you’re unhappy with the way social media makes you feel. Perhaps you’d just like your life to be more private than it is right now. Maybe it’s time for you to disappear from the internet. Completely. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform an impressive vanishing act on the Internet.

How to Deal With Fake Negative Reviews

If you’re a small business owner, you know how important online reviews can be when it comes to growing your business and attracting new customers. The very last thing you need is a consumer spreading damaging lies about your business on the web by leaving you a fake negative review. In the following infographic, learn how to deal with fake negative reviews of your business.

Enterprise Mobility and its Benefits

Mobility is gaining prominence with the increasingly rapid evolution of new devices and technology – placing demands and creating opportunities for enterprises and consumers around the globe. Enterprise mobility services cover the full spectrum of needs such right from development, deployment, mobile device management, applications to support.

OK, Google: How to Optimize a Site for Voice Search

The age of voice search is upon us, with voice assistants in our mobile phones and smart devices at home. “Hands-free” searching is the new way to find information. But a new method of search means new requirements for your web site. This guide will help you to discover how to best optimize your site to suit the needs of searches made with voice.

30 Years of the World Wide Web

March 12th 2019 celebrates 30 years of the history of the web. From the first web page to the way humans connect, communicate, spend and live their everyday lives, the team at AppInstitute takes a look at the major events that have shaped our lives over the past 30 years.

Video Export Guide To Social Media

Exporting video with any software including more advanced and professional video editors such as Adobe Premiere Pro requires a lot of details to remember.  This is especially true when exporting video for online platforms and social media. This infographic will show you the optimal settings so you know how to export in premiere pro or any other video editing software.

Ecommerce Marketing Strategy Guide

A powerful, results-driven ecommerce marketing strategy will build brand affinity and maximize conversions through the use of valuable content, well-optimized PPC campaigns, SEO, and captivating email marketing campaigns. Take a look at this infographic to learn how you can start working on an effective ecommerce marketing strategy that will maximize ROI.