Voice Search Stats & Facts

Voice Search Functionality has revolutionized and eased the way we used to do different things. Voice-activated assistant devices such as Amazon’s Alexa and Echo, Google Home, and Apple HomePod, or Siri and Cortana in mobile phones are present almost everywhere around us. And with this, it can be said that most of our Internet searches will be conducted through the voice search functionality by 2020.

Seasonal Guide for Car Maintenance

When you own a vehicle, maintenance tasks should be performed year-round. By taking care of your vehicle during each season, you will help it last longer and drive safer on the roadways. The following infographic is a seasonal guide to proper car maintenance.

PR Then and Now: The Evolution of Public Relations

Public relations promotes communication between a business and its consumers, which in turn establishes a mutually beneficial relationship between two parties. While PR appears to have received a complete transformation, it’s not surprising that its main goal – to persuade and build trust- remains intact. To prove you that, here’s an infographic that traces the history of PR.

How Content Length Affects SEO and Conversions

Content is the driving force behind all campaigns be it SEO, paid search or social media. However, there is always a debate as to which is better – long form or short form content. To help solve this dilemma, here is an infographic from Capsicum Mediaworks that explores how content length affects SEO and conversions.

Steak Doneness Chart & Temperatures

If you occasionally cook steak, check out this steak doneness chart infographic by FuriousGrill.Com to improve your cooking knowledge. You will get a better understanding on the steak doneness levels, which is the recommended level and how to determine each level with just a few tricks or by using simple tools.

How a Pneumatic Robot Arm Works

More and more industries are starting to see the benefit of pneumatic robot arms. While they are common in industrial settings, people are now putting them to use in the agriculture, medical and entertainment industries. Find out how pneumatic robot arms work and how they are used by viewing this infographic.

How Email Encryption Works

Email encryption is a way to keep your information secure and serves as a preventative measure against data breaches. To help you understand how email encryption works, Panda Security have developed an infographic that breaks down why it’s important, how to encrypt emails and suggests helpful third-party tools based on your needs.

Everything You Need To Know About Reclaimed Wood

Reclaimed wood creates a unique look to the home providing an older element that has distinction and character. Reclaimed wood can be added to the home in a variety of ways, from flooring to stair treads, ceiling wood beams, furniture, wood panels, fireplace mantels and more. When you have reclaimed wood in your home, it is important to learn how to properly care for the wood.

The Unknown Makers Behind Everyday Items We Take for Granted

It’s likely that today, you may have started the dishwasher, checked your home security system, packed a sandwich, put a ballpoint pen in your pocket, wiped the rain off your car with the windshield wipers, paused at a traffic light, and sat down at a keyboard. But who are the makers behind these everyday inventions we take for granted? There are dozens of relatively unknown inventors, and their inventions have absolutely changed the landscape of modern life.