Aug 8, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Here is a comprehensive infographic from Digital Meal on SEO that’s relevant up to 2018 (and beyond). Some of the mentioned items aren’t necessarily new in 2018, but are still either part of Google’s core algorithms. There are also some items that are hotly debated in relation to their importance for SEO.
Aug 7, 2018 | Business Infographics
There’s a growing body of compelling research correlating high emotional intelligence with success at work. Emotional intelligence in the workplace (EQ) is becoming a pretty hot topic for business, maybe even bordering on buzzword territory. But don’t be tempted to ignore this as just another fad. Emotional intelligence in the workplace is critical to being successful in your career and as a whole organization.
Aug 7, 2018 | Lifestyle Infographics
The team at Sleepopolis took a deep look at the cities of the United States that just aren’t getting enough sleep. These top 100 cities have the highest percentage of residents who do not get the recommended seven hours per day of sleep at minimum, and the average time that they actually go to bed.
Aug 7, 2018 | Technology Infographics
In the following infographic, TriState Technology takes a look at the impact of IoT (Internet of Things) on mobile app development. Through this infographic, you can check how the lives of mobile app developers are Impacted by the increase of IoT.
Aug 6, 2018 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
This summer, you may find yourself hosting a big summer party at your estate. In order to properly prepare for the event, Lawrence Park Complete Garden Care has put together the following infographic that features 5 tips to plan the best outdoor summer party.
Aug 6, 2018 | Food & Drink Infographics
The delights of summer – beautiful weather, light summer breezes and the delicious smell of freshly barbecued meat served with your favorite sauce. With numerous work assignments and short deadlines, no wonder all you can think about is that one free day you got to celebrate. But weekend is closer than you think, and soon you’ll get another the chance to gather your friends and family in the backyard to prepare an all-American barbecue.
Aug 3, 2018 | Transportation Infographics
Getting to work by car every day can be an expensive business. Commuters are always looking to find ways to cut costs and leave more in their bank accounts. The team at OSV have done some useful research and come up with an infographic revealing the top ten ways to reduce what you pay for that daily commute.
Aug 3, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Influencer marketing can impact on your business significantly. The following infographic looks at the differences between macro and micro-influencers, and the benefits of influencer marketing – along with a general outline of what you can expect to pay to work with the various types of influencers.
Aug 2, 2018 | Pets & Animals Infographics
What is a Munchkin Cat anyway? A Munchkin cat is a feline that has been born with dwarfism, or also referred to as “the Munchkin Gene”. The Munchkin cat has become an extremely popular breed of cat lately due to its extreme popularity with the Internet community. The following infographic provides some interesting facts about these adorable kittys.
Aug 2, 2018 | Home & Garden Infographics
The following infographic shows different house selling methods and can be used as a reference tool for those who are looking to see which is the best method to sell their house quickly. There is always a trade off between, speed of sale, price and convenience so this infographic outlines the pro’s and cons of the top 3 methods that people can choose to sell their home.