The Re-branding Saga of 20 Top Entitles

With this infographic, courtesy of Infographic Design Team, give a treat to your eyes and enlighten your grey cells, as we present to you top 20 logos of those renowned brands of the world who let their brand take a new shape with the evolution of time.

Video Marketing Statistics For 2018

The world of video marketing is always changing. The trends, the preferences, the technology-all are constantly becoming more efficient day by day. In this infographic, courtesy of Infographic Design Team, learn about trends that you are going to experience in 2018 that will re-shape your video marketing strategies.

The History of Candle Making

Nothing provides the simultaneous benefit of atmosphere and style to your home quite like candles. With over 2,000 types of candles and 10,000 different scents to choose from, your home can truly stand out with a well-chosen candle. Although they may seem like a simple home accessory, candles actually have a rich history dating back thousands of years.

Content Marketing: The Future of Marketing

Here is an infographic from the folks at that is based on recent studies showing that content marketing is the best way to reach a target audience. It claims that content marketing is over 50% cheaper than traditional marketing while generating 3 times more lead.

A Comprehensive Overview of Freshwater Usage in the United States

After thousands of years of civilization, many of us no longer need to dwell near freshwater sources to experience the benefits. Advances in technology have drastically changed the means of water collection, treatment, and distribution. In the following infographic, High Tide Technologies provides a comprehensive overview of freshwater usage in the United States.

What’s Affecting Our Environment?

The negligence of human civilization is creating havoc in the environment. Not one, not two, but in this infographic, Infographic Design Team highlights five of those issues that are slowly pushing Earth on the verge of death. They also explain how we can reverse the ill-effects of human negligence on nature.

The Influence of Instagram

Do you want to take advantage of one of this decade’s fastest growing social media platform? You’re not alone as 71% of marketers are looking to level up their Instagram marketing. And they’re spending crazy money on advertising and influencer marketing to do it. The following infographic looks at the influence of Instagram and what is costs to reach its massive audience.

An Introduction to Hydroponics

Hydroponics is a dirt-free, space-saving, water-effective method of growing soilless. In the following infographic, courtesy of, you’ll learn about the most important details about Hydroponics and all the basic knowledge to set up a year-round hydroponic garden of your own.