Jul 27, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
With 77% of the US population reliant on mobile gadgets like smartphones, it’s a mistake not to take advantage of this technology for your advertising needs. Perhaps one of the most conventional uses of smartphones is accessing social media accounts. In fact, 60% of social media activities are done on mobile devices. Learn more about the numbers behind mobile advertising, as well as the trends to watch out for within this infographic.
Jul 26, 2018 | Environmental Infographics
In countless forms and occurrences, we encounter water throughout our day-to-day lives. It’s in our food and drinks, our plumbing, our industrial processes, our weather, and even our very bodies. However, working with water doesn’t necessarily mean you’re working with clean, pure water. Even this most crucial resource for living can be tainted by a number of contaminants.
Jul 25, 2018 | Transportation Infographics
Have you ever wondered what a campervan would look like if it was to be designed by one of the most iconic car designers? The following infographic by Comfort Insurance should give you an exaggerated (and sometimes comical) view of what campervans would be like if designed by car brands such as Porsche, Rolls Royce and Aston Martin.
Jul 25, 2018 | Business Infographics
As business owners and marketers, we all fear the inevitable “bad review.” A single bad review can spread like wildfire, instantly changing and damaging the way that clients view your brand. The following infographic by SOCi looks at the economics of a bad review and shows just how important managing your reputation online is to your business.
Jul 24, 2018 | Offbeat Infographics
In an emergency situation, most people find themselves with a minimal number of supplies and need to survive using whatever is handy. This guide walks readers through 10 different ways to start a fire for survival, without having the luxury of a lighter or matches. It’s a perfect guide for preppers, survivalists, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone seeking to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws their way.
Jul 23, 2018 | Environmental Infographics
Oil is one of the most valuable resources on the planet because of our use of it in our cars, homes and a variety of other products. In fact, we in the U.S. use over 19 million barrels of oil a day! This infographic details how oil was formed, and why it’s important to use it in a responsible manner as our population grows.
Jul 23, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
A good subject line can make the difference between a successful email marketing campaign and one that falls flat. Figuring out the perfect subject line can feel like a daily guessing game. Luckily, you don’t have to waste time guessing anymore. The folks at iContact have discovered key insight into the best and worst subject lines.
Jul 20, 2018 | Business Infographics, Finance & Money Infographics
You want to rapidly increase sales, sign ups, or simply clicks on a button, but how do you get started? There are thousands of things you could do and some work better than others. It can be challenging to choose. Here’s a comprehensive checklist of 16 essential things you could do to rapidly improve your website so you can earn more and make your customers love you.
Jul 20, 2018 | Business Infographics
Employers tend to take their workforce for granted instead of taking care of them. You may not be aware that you’re putting your employees’ productivity and quality of work at risk by not addressing their needs. It may not seem like a lot, but something as simple as giving employees the right place to work is one of the ways you can boost your company’s success.
Jul 19, 2018 | Finance & Money Infographics
Before there were crisp dollar bills as currency, things were much different in the world. If you look at the history of money, most will start with a barter system where livestock was the primary means of trade. This list takes a look at the old currencies of the world, especially from the empires that ruled vast areas from around the globe.