Jun 19, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Email marketing is an extremely valuable way to connect and learn about your customer base. Studies show that consumers prefer emails because they are a less urgent form of communication that puts no immediate pressure on the consumer to buy. And since customers feel less defensive, it makes email communication a fantastic way for your business to connect.
Jun 18, 2018 | Internet Infographics
We have all seen the classic Hollywood hacking in movies and television. A typical scenario involves a man in a basement dressed in all black, typing on a keyboard at an unrealistic rate and instantly hacking into a person or organization’s files. The reality? Hacking is not immediate. And hackers can look like ordinary people, roaming the streets, even hacking next to you at a cafe or restaurant.
Jun 18, 2018 | Internet Infographics
The vulnerability of websites can be costly for any apps. Since attacks on websites and web apps are increasing at an alarming rate, it is indeed a must that they should undergo rigorous testing. The golden question is how? Obviously plethora of tools are available, but which one to choose? Let’s have a look in the following infographic by Testbytes.
Jun 18, 2018 | Business Infographics
How often does your business use conference calls? And, are you wondering what people are really doing during your conference call? The team at Ooma wanted to learn more about how people are using conference calls and what the friction points were — dropped calls, poor quality, or maybe something else. The following infographic shows the results of their conference call survey.
Jun 15, 2018 | Home & Garden Infographics
Home flooding can be expensive. From a broken appliance to a leaky roof or burst pipe, a situation can quickly go from a minor problem to a serious incident. In a recent survey, Ooma found that 74 percent of Americans have had flood or water damage in their homes. The following infographic explores whether smart water sensors can help prevent flood damage.
Jun 14, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
94% of B2B professionals can all be found at one place. LinkedIn holds the potential of bringing undeniable results to the lead generation process of your business. If you are a B2B marketer, it can be the #1 B2B social media platform to reach the right audience and to generate quality leads. In this infographic, explore the best LinkedIn posting practices that generate quality B2B leads.
Jun 14, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Data-driven marketing is the solution to the chaos. Many marketers have already started investing in it. Here are some eye-opening stats to take you through the future of data-driven marketing in an infographic by Thomson Data.
Jun 13, 2018 | Technology Infographics
With the cell phone and tablet manufacturers integrating new software to let you track the cell phone usage of you and your family, BankMyCell amalgamated all the most recent data and ran their own surveys. The following infographic illustrates the latest trends in smartphone addiction (nomophobia).
Jun 13, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Social media is a useful platform to create brand awareness and cultivate brand knowledge to people. It is also a platform that can have adversely affect businesses. Read this infographic from RiseSmart about the impact of negative social media on employer brand.
Jun 12, 2018 | Home & Garden Infographics
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home. Cute saying, but what’s with the humble part? When it comes to where we hang our hats, and spend most of our lives, people want to think big. The team at Northshore Fireplace surveyed 2,000 Americans to see how they envision their dream homes in 2018. The results are contained in the following infographic.