Apr 6, 2018 | Business Infographics
One of the biggest challenges for any eCommerce company is measuring eCommerce results. There are several metrics to look at when analyzing the success of an online business. In the following infographic, Info Graphic Design Team looks at 9 data sets every eCommerce company should measure.
Apr 5, 2018 | Internet Infographics
With Facebook mired in a controversy over the misuse of the data of 50 million of its users by the company Cambridge Analytica, people have started thinking about alternatives to Facebook. The following infographic courtesy of MiniCreo has a lot of very interesting facts and stats about Facebook alternatives.
Apr 3, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
The following easy-to-understand infographic from Dot Com Infoway explains why it is important to analyze customer behavior. With engaging charts and graphics, it lists online shopping behavior of an average online buyer along with a mention of sites where consumers share feedback about products and services. The infographic also lists down the steps involved in making a purchase.
Apr 3, 2018 | Transportation Infographics
Electric scooters for adults are becoming very popular as a way to commute to work or get around college campus. There are also more and more street legal electric scooters available. But what happens if your electric scooter breaks down? This guide from hoverpatrol.net will help guide you.
Apr 2, 2018 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Some deep-sea creatures may seem too bizarre to exist, but they do. Take the “Flying spaghetti monster,” or the Goblin shark, for example. These newly-discovered creatures live thousands of feet below the surface, and are unlike anything discovered before. Consider that the deepest known part of the ocean is nearly as far below the surface as an airplane’s cruising altitude is above the surface – and that animals live down there.
Apr 2, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Successful social media marketing is all about relationships, with the highest ROR (Return on Relationship) coming from relationships from people who are happy with your brand, and become your Brand Advocates. In this infographic, Info Graphic Design Team looks at 12 ways to build brand advocates.
Mar 30, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Managing all of your social media networks can be a daunting task. Knowing the best times to post on social media is even more challenging. So, when are the best times to post on social media? Check out the following infographic by Info Graphic Design Team to see their recommendations.
Mar 30, 2018 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Cats are pretty self-sufficient critters, but they can still use a little help in staying safe — and you can probably use a little help in saving time and money on repairs. In this infographic, ForRent.com discusses some ideas on how to create a safe and cozy apartment for you and your tabby.
Mar 29, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
In 2018, marketers are investing more in their inbound efforts, which tracks with the evolving nature of search engines, technology and the customer-centric world in which we now live. Check out this all-in-one guide on Inbound Marketing, courtesy of Info Graphic Design Team. Discover the winning inbound marketing strategy.
Mar 28, 2018 | Health Infographics
Hiking is one of the best ways to improve your energy levels, sleep and overall quality of life. Since hikers and backpackers are physically active, they enjoy better health. And improved health and physical fitness are the basic factors which are required for maintaining a good and lifelong fitness. The following infographic from Riders Trail provides 23 ways that hiking makes you healthier.