Apr 26, 2018 | Finance & Money Infographics
Passive income ideas are all around us but we tend to overlook them because we get too deeply immersed in our mundane routines. It is not just about the tediousness of our days, it is about adding a stream of passive incomes which can generate cash flow without you having to move a finger. In the following infographic, the team at Branax has put together some ideas to generate passive income.
Apr 25, 2018 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
From the 1966 film ‘Batman: The Movie’ starring Adam West to the 2017 “Justin League’ with Ben Affleck, this infographic from Confused.com takes a look at the iconic Batmobile as it has evolved through the ages. Which one if your favorite?
Apr 24, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Through corporate branding, businesses can reap a number of rewards for marketing and maintaining strong brands. Adopting both the approach of corporate brand promotion, product branding, or a combination of the two has its rewards. In this infographic, Infographic Design Team looks at what corporate branding is.
Apr 23, 2018 | Business Infographics
Many of the world’s most exciting and successful internet based brands are proud to call Shopify their home, and there are good reasons why. Shopify, as a platform is super flexible, easy to use, and offers lots of features which can put your shop at the top of the pile and get noticed. This infographic from Printsome takes a look at Shopify’s success story.
Apr 23, 2018 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Extreme sports athletes understand the line of separation between life and death and the tightrope walk they sometimes have to face in order to do what they love. There can be no feeling to replace flying free like a bird through the air, or successfully facing a mountain that rises to the heavens. These accomplishments make us feel stronger than being just mere humans, but these sports do have their own price to pay.
Apr 23, 2018 | Technology Infographics
Data loss affects everyone and every business eventually. In fact, 75% of all businesses have suffered from data loss over the past two years. Data loss is inconvenient and can also be costly for businesses – and even if you’re taking steps to avoid computer failures, it’s difficult to account for hackers, viruses, and natural disasters.
Apr 20, 2018 | Technology Infographics
Whether you’re already the proud owner of the latest Apple Watch or you plan on buying one soon, the folks at The Watch Strap Co know you want to hear all about what this best-selling smartwatch has to offer. Here are just some of the cool things you can do with your Apple Watch.
Apr 20, 2018 | Transportation Infographics
OSV has created an infographic detailing 10 of the most memorable cars to have graced the silver screen over the last 50 years. From Sean Connery’s 1964 Aston Martin DB5 Vantage in Goldfinger to Mel Gibson’s 1973 XB GT Ford Falcon Interceptor, these are mean machines that really stand out from the crowd.
Apr 20, 2018 | Food & Drink Infographics
The caffeine that is present in our daily coffee is not bad for us as many would have us to believe, but can help us to live longer, increase our mental ability and focus, fight depression and even help us to lose weight. What’s not to love about many people’s drink? Fed up of justifying your coffee addiction? Here are 13 reasons why your daily fix is actually a good thing.
Apr 19, 2018 | Historical Infographics
Various communication methods are something that we have used since the beginning of time. Younger people may take for granted the fact that today they have access to multiple forms of communication on a device that you can fit in your pocket. And to think that once upon a time people communicated written messages, history, and stories through cave paintings and pictures on walls!