Feb 28, 2018 | Shopping Infographics
Like anyone else who is considering a purchase, engineers use information available online and in print to guide them to make the right choice. They research thoroughly, carefully evaluating the appropriateness of a shortlist of products, before presenting one as a solution. Engineers aren’t impulse buyers, nor are they particularly motivated by price.
Feb 27, 2018 | Travel Infographics
Let’s be honest, flying economy is a nightmare. Cramped seating, no entertainment and no power outlets are just the tip of the iceberg. Here is an infographic with some tried and true tips on how to survive it.
Feb 27, 2018 | Health Infographics
Every 21 seconds, an individual in the USA suffers from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). And for many brain injury survivors, they will deal with the symptoms incurred from their injury for the rest of their lives. But TBIs are often called ‘invisible injuries’. And that’s because these symptoms might not be apparent to an observer. This can cause confusion with law enforcement and authorities, who mistakenly identify TBI survivors as drunk or aggressive.
Feb 26, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
Gone are the days when marketers use to seek out customers with cold calls, trade shows and print and TV ads. With the cost of traditional marketing increasing and the effectiveness decreasing, it is hard for traditional marketers to generate the ROI that their business expects from them. This is why traditional marketing methods have taken a back seat lately and has given way to new marketing method known as Inbound marketing.
Feb 23, 2018 | Finance & Money Infographics
This infographic from Market Inspector shows where we stand on the road towards a cashless society. Learn more about trends and usage of cash, the future of payments in the UK and much more.
Feb 23, 2018 | Shopping Infographics
The use of chatbots on E-commerce websites has increased dramatically in recent years. But there is a lack of clear understanding between online businesses on how they should be used to generate value. This infographic by Market Inspector fills that gap by providing specific solutions on how chatbots can help E-commerce businesses.
Feb 22, 2018 | Marketing Infographics
A recent study by Facebook reported that users were able to increase traffic from their own platform by a whopping 250%, simply by using clickable social cards. Thanks to a a service called AnyImage, you can begin creating your own cards in just a matter of seconds (for free). They have even created a useful infographic to explain exactly how AnyImage works.
Feb 21, 2018 | Offbeat Infographics
It’s hard not to love the magical world that Roald Dahl created in his iconic children’s book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Most of us have daydreamed about what it would have been like to win a golden ticket and go on a tour of Willy Wonka’s factory. But how much exactly would that world cost? How much would the Wonka company be worth? How much would the Oompa Loompas get paid?
Feb 21, 2018 | Food & Drink Infographics
Hitting the bar isn’t quite as healthy as, say, hiking; but it doesn’t have to be a calorie-fest, either. Staying on track while drinking is all about making smart choices. In the following infographic, Greatist breaks down popular types of booze by alcohol percent by volume (or ABV), calories per serving, and calories from alcohol (CFA) score.
Feb 20, 2018 | Animated Infographics, Lifestyle Infographics
Do you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, or are you consistently waking up fatigued? It could be the way you’re sleeping. The wrong sleeping position can have a negative affect on your overall health, including causing premature aging, back and neck pain, and—of course—restless nights. Use the infographic to determine the right sleeping position for you.