Where Most Shark Attacks Occur

Shark attacks are a concern for many Americans planning to go for a swim in the ocean, but should they be? Using information from the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), SI Yachts visually mapped out the number of shark attacks that have happened in the United States over the years and the states and counties where they most commonly occur.

5 Most Common Types of Renters

Here’s an infographic, courtesy of mysmartmove.com, that looks at the five most common types of renters which include low budget lifers, treasure hunters, pessimistic, nomadic yuppies and the scorned and suspicious.

The Most (and Least) Stressed Cities in the U.S.

If you’re feeling more stressed than ever before, you’re not alone. The research team at Charlotte’s Web wanted to know if certain American cities were experiencing higher levels of stress than others, so they conducted a study to determine the least and most stressed cities in America based on several stress-inducing factors.

The Fastest Growing and Declining Industries in the United States

Which industries will thrive and which will flounder in a post-pandemic world with advancing artificial intelligence abilities? Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this infographic from U.S. Career Institute explores the 20 fastest-growing industries and 20 fastest-declining industries by employment numbers from 2021 to 2031.

Countries Ranked By Internet Privacy

With more people online than ever before and data breaches becoming more commonplace, governments have begun to address the issue with new laws to protect their citizens’ privacy on the Internet. Which countries have done the most to improve their citizens’ Internet and data privacy, and which countries leave their citizens vulnerable with barely any data protection in place?

The Most Popular Sport in Every Country

How many kinds of sports are there? According to the World Sports Encyclopedia, there are more than 8,000 sports and sporting games! The most popular sport in the U.S. is football, but it is by far in the minority compared to the rest of the world. Here is the ultimate guide to the most popular sport in every country.

Best Careers for Introverts and Extroverts

Certain jobs may be better suited for extroverts or introverts based on their natural inclinations. For example, extroverted individuals may thrive in sales, public speaking, or other professions that involve frequent social interactions. On the other hand, introverts may excel in roles that require focused attention and analysis, such as writing, research, or programming.

Why Your Google Reviews Are Not Showing Up

Google Reviews not showing up can be a major issue for businesses. It can be frustrating for customers who have taken the time to leave a review, as well as for businesses that rely on positive reviews for their online reputation. Moreover, a lack of reviews can also hurt a business’s search engine rankings, as Google uses reviews as a ranking factor.

Why Google Reviews Matter for Your Business

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back. In this infographic, discover the 5 key reasons why Google Reviews matter for your business and how they can help you increase online visibility, improve trust and credibility, engage with customers, get valuable feedback, increase conversion rates, gain a competitive advantage, and get free advertising.