Sep 7, 2017 | Technology Infographics
All too often, when an application is released to market, it still has flaws. Test engineers often try their best to identify the bugs manually before the release of the product, but somehow, bugs creep in and even reappear after rigorous manual testing. To maximize efficiency and limit such problems, employing automation testing can be a great solution.
Sep 7, 2017 | Business Infographics
This detailed infographic presents interesting statistics about clutter and how it can adversely impact your productivity. It also includes a few simple tips to help you declutter your desk so you can get more done.
Sep 7, 2017 | Marketing Infographics
Keeping up with social media changes can be exhausting. It seems like every other month, platforms like Facebook or Twitter come up with a new layouts.The following infographic provides a neat overview of all visual parameters that these popular social networking sites have in place. This makes it easier for small businesses to create visuals for their various pages on social media sites.
Sep 6, 2017 | Business Infographics
Does listening to music at work help your performance? Or does it slow you down? In the following infographic, WebPageFX takes a look at the impact of music on workplace productivity and offers some tips for what kinds of tunes you should play to get in the zone and power through your to-do list.
Sep 6, 2017 | Home & Garden Infographics
Whether you’re moving into a college dorm or new studio apartment – or you’re just ready to downsize – it can sometimes feel like you’re trying to cram your whole life into a tiny living space. But if you’re strategic about designing your space and cutting clutter, you can make that tiny apartment feel much bigger.
Sep 6, 2017 | Business Infographics
Almost 2/3 of American workers say that they waste at least some time at work every day. Wasting time at work isn’t just limited to surfing the web. It can also include socializing with coworkers or spending time in a meeting that could have been an email. Snatching a minute here or there to check your social media or send a text while you are at work may not seem like a big deal, but it can add up over time.
Sep 5, 2017 | Technology Infographics
The percentage of mobile phone users is increasing every day helping a number of trends to thrive successfully. The widespread of mobile phones has thus given an entire landscape for other trends to grow successfully. Smartphones have helped a number of such trends to grow prominently. Appdexa takes a sneak peek into the future smartphones in the upcoming days.
Sep 4, 2017 | Offbeat Infographics
Lots of people will discuss Mens VS Women online gambling stats. It’s worthwhile to point out that it’s hard to get statistics on the entire online casino gaming community. The statistics are almost inevitably based on samples of gamblers, making them estimates. However, it’s still worthwhile to pay attention to some of the existing findings.
Sep 4, 2017 | Technology Infographics
With every new trend occurring in the mobile app industry, there comes a revolutionary change in the figures. And, to let the users offer a glimpse of this changing industry, the team at Appdexa, presents an infographic for the same.
Sep 1, 2017 | Environmental Infographics
This infographic from shows three different styles of camping that any outdoorsman or woman can enjoy. Whether it’s traditional camping, beach camping or backpacking, you’ll learn which gear to take along for the journey.