What Camera Do You Need for Your YouTube Channel?
This infographic by VloggerPro will help aspirant YouTubers choose the right camera for their channel. You will learn if you’ll need a DSLR, Compact, Mirrorless, Webcam, Action cam or Camcorder.
This infographic by VloggerPro will help aspirant YouTubers choose the right camera for their channel. You will learn if you’ll need a DSLR, Compact, Mirrorless, Webcam, Action cam or Camcorder.
Watching cartoons as a grown-up is the best kind of TV. While we’ve been watching some adult cartoons for decades (like “The Simpsons”), other shows (like “BoJack Horseman”) lend themselves to binge-watching on Netflix, where we can go through a whole season in a weekend. Since apartments are the business of ForRent.com, they are naturally tuned in to the apartments where their favorite characters are living. Here’s what they have found out about the apartment rental costs in adult cartoons.
With millions of offices and tens of millions of office workers, we’re all bound to come across office behaviors that drive us crazy. The folks at MyOffers have listed some of the most common and infuriating office behaviors. From a colleague that are always late, to the colleague that can be heard in the office building across the road, or that one colleague that takes personal hygiene to a new level.
If you’re rushed for time during your morning routine, you don’t need to sacrifice your hairstyle. There are ways to make your hair look super cute in just a few minutes. These lazy girl hair hacks put together by The Ogle School will fool everyone into thinking you spent lots of time styling your hair. No one will ever know just how easy it is to be lazy on the daily.
Sometimes a myth is talked about so much that it can become the truth over time. But not in this case. In the following infographic by onlinecasinopolis.net, you will only find the most interesting facts proven by history. One of such facts is a well-accounted story about the invention of the sandwich which, to no surprise, took place nowhere else but in a casino. This and six others included below.
Did you know that you are probably pooping wrong? Every year, more research is being published proving that sitting is unnatural and linked to colon cancer, IBS, hemorrhoids, constipation, appendicitis, and more… How did we get here? This infographic answers this and provides a simple solution: the toilet stool.
Many business people believe that in order to grow their business they need to hire internal marketing staff. In reality, hiring a marketing firm instead can be much more cost-effective and help you reach your financial business goals faster. Explore “Hiring A Marketing Agency Vs. Hiring Internal Staff” in this infographic.
Lying awake all night and counting sheep? Don’t fall into the trap of relying on prescription medication as a sleeping aid. The next time you find it impossible to drift off, try one of these science-based tricks of falling asleep fast.
For a business to develop an effective business plan, a detailed and well-though financial forecast should be made first. Like a map, a financial forecast should be able to help you make informed business decisions and overcome obstacles that may hinder your business growth in the future.
Social media is a vital place where brands can have fun and a measurable impact on the bottom line of each business. For this reason, social media can no longer live in a silo and must work in tandem with the whole business strategy. The Team at Social Media Magazine, published this infographic on social media marketing strategies so that you can become serious with getting customers through social media.