Gallons of Alcohol Consumed in the United States Per Capita

Alcohol consumption is a popular pastime in the United States. Craft beer, artisanal wines, and distilled spirits allow a myriad of choices for everyone. But do you know how much the average person drinks? The average American drinks about 2.3 gallons of pure ethanol per year. State by state, this average varies widely.

Major Challenges of Big Data in the Real Estate Industry

Digitalization might have made its mark in the Real Estate industry, but big data is the primary component of the current evolutionary process that real estate firms must harness. This infographic by Fingent deals with the effect of big data, and the impact and application of big data processes in the real estate sector, offering tremendous potential which has not yet been properly exploited.

How to Choose Headphones That Suit You

Having headphones is necessary nowadays but many people make a hasty decision in this regard and choose bad ones. There are so many options available and it’s difficult to research/test each of them. The following infographic looks at some simple steps to choosing headphones. It contains information about headphones types, headphones drivers, and different things to look for in headphones.

Benefits of Open Source Software

If you are looking to start at web project you are probably going to be using a Content Management System(CMS). If, Open Source is your preference you have a lot options. The list contains names like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Magento, and concrete5 to name just a few. Choosing which platform to adopt can be a daunting task. Check out the following infographic to learn more about open source software and why it’s powering some of the most popular content management systems to date.

Win Cash Playing Casino Games From Your Android Device

Do you enjoy playing online casino games using your mobile device? Playing slot machines have been a longtime favorite pastime of those who enjoy casino gaming. While slot machines are quite enjoyable for many and can offer a winning outcome, other casino games provide greater odds of winning real money or Bitcoin. For example, Spanish 21, a variation of the game Black Jack, provides players with higher odds of winning.

The 2017 Email Marketing Field Guide

Finding information on the best day and time to send email can be frustrating. There are several articles on the subject and so many come to differing conclusions. This is because the data is inconsistent based on the variables involved. The team at Propeller has compiled their findings into a user-friendly visual guide.

How to Vinyl Wrap: The 7 Steps Used By Professionals

Have you considered vinyl wrapping your car but don’t know where to start? With today’s vinyl technology, it’s easier than ever for a DIY like you to make it happen. You can do it like the pros. Whether you do it at home or a professional does it at the shop, the basic steps are the same. Here are the seven steps you can use today to make your vehicle look and say whatever you want.

How Running Changes Your Body

Let’s face the facts here – most of us are not the least bit concerned about the necessity of having a fit body. While we may successfully pull off the low-calorie diet for a week, things just seem to stop when exercise comes into the mix. The good news is that you don’t have to get an expensive gym membership program to get back into shape.
All you need are a pair of good running shoes and some motivation to get started.