35 Fun Facts About Mobile Phones

In this infographic from the folks at MyTrendyPhone, discover 35 most interesting and less known facts about our daily companions – mobile phones. From the first ever cell phone, bizarre innovations to some interesting statistics.

How Marketers Feel About Conferences

The list of marketing conferences is growing every year and with that the reasons for attending them. Some people go for networking opportunities and to see old friends, where others are there strictly to learn. To get a better pulse on why marketers attend conferences in 2017, Digital Third Coast surveyed more than 300 marketing professionals.

Mind-Body Math: Manipulatives in the Digital Age

Our brain and body work together to help us learn. This concept, Embodied Cognition, is built upon a decades-long branch of research into how human thinking and learning is rooted in the back-and-forth between the mind’s perceptions and the body’s physical interactions with the world around it.

The Top 21 Natural Testosterone Booster Ingredients

This infographic contains an extensive list of the top 21 natural testosterone booster ingredients. It highlights the benefits of each of the ingredients and where they can be found. The functions of these natural ingredients, as described in the infographics, are: reducing stress, increasing libido, building muscle, promoting strength and energy, as well as improving fertility.

Electric Vehicles Are The Future

With so much talk about self-driving vehicles on the news, it’s easy to forget about the rise of electric cars. But there’s no stopping their development. Auto Loan Solutions has created an infographic that puts the spotlight on how EVs will change car ownership. The infographic takes a look at the ripple effect these vehicles will have on fuel consumption, technology and more…

A Guide to Aging in Place

Most seniors prefer to age in place, in the comfort of their own homes, instead of moving to a care facility. Follow this guide by Home Work Solutions as you plan for yourself (or a loved one) to continue living at home through the golden years.

The Remarkable Rise of Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing Hub recently conducted an online survey to help them understand how companies see the state of influencer marketing in 2017. The results are definitely optimistic, indicating that influencer marketing is truly mainstream, on an upwards trajectory as a preferred method of marketing. Here are the key results from their Influencer Marketing Hub 2017 Study, along with a few other relevant recent statistics.

The Best UK City For Endurance Sports

People take part in endurance sports for many reasons, but most if not all are focused on the health and fitness benefits of training. Your health is a significant contributor to life insurance premiums and good health can lead to cheaper policies. So which UK cities top the pile with opportunities for endurance sport endeavor? Find out in the following infographic.

Australian Small Business & the Funding Challenges

In Australia small business is celebrated as the backbone of the economy, yet, small business owners lack access to capital to grow their business. In this infographic from Lend they highlight the landscape of the Australian small business economy and highlight the funding issues.