Jun 8, 2017 | Shopping Infographics
For years now, people have been ditching the brick and mortar stores to buy everything they need online. E-Commerce makes it easy for people to buy clothing, electronics, or even groceries right from your home. But with smart phones now people are using their desktops less, preferring to use their iPhones, Galaxies, or Androids throughout the day.
Jun 8, 2017 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Matinée Sound & Vision has put together an infographic which showcases the most common Star Wars Languages spoken in the galaxy. From Galactic Basic Standard through to Binary (Droidspeak), Ewokese, Sith Language and more, it’s surprising that many beings can communicate with each other. But the question is; without the translation skills of C-3PO and other such droids, would it be a little more difficult?
Jun 8, 2017 | Animated Infographics, Lifestyle Infographics
There are people who chase after success throughout their lives, but never achieve it. Then there are those who set examples for others by achieving their dreams. The million dollar question here is; what is it that makes some people successful and others not? Is it hard work alone or is it actually all about luck?
Jun 7, 2017 | Technology Infographics
Vegas has come a long way from being merely a bright spot in the middle of the desert to being one of the most technologically advanced cities the world over. From El Rancho’s rustic vibe to LevelUp’s futuristic technology and amenities, Sin City is the spotlight for growing technology and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. In this infographic, learn how technology has shaped the modern Las Vegas scene.
Jun 7, 2017 | Lifestyle Infographics
There is a rising problem of pornography addiction in teens. By viewing sexually pornographic material, teens are susceptible to countless psychological, emotional, and physiological disorders and issues. This infographic is designed to help you better understand the chemical effects that pornography has on teenagers.
Jun 6, 2017 | Historical Infographics
The Periodic Table of Weapons details humanity’s legacy of violence in beautiful, hand illustrated detail. Starting with fists and rocks in prehistoric times to modern small arms and rifles, each entry in the table is depicted in gorgeous detail alongside classifications, sizing, and approximate year of development.
Jun 6, 2017 | Finance & Money Infographics
How many dollar bills and other forums of currency are in circulation in the United States? The answer might surprise you. This infographic by TitleMax.com details the amount of money in circulation in the United States as well as how many coins and new banknotes are entered into circulation each year. One of our most favorite interesting tidbits was that there were over 91 million dollars in pennies minted in 2016. That’s a lot of pennies!
Jun 5, 2017 | Business Infographics
The Tour of California is a professional cycling race that has been dubbed as America’s Tour de France. Debuting in 2006, the event is considered as one of the most important cycling races in the United States. Although it’s now held every year in May, it was originally a February affair.
Jun 5, 2017 | Lifestyle Infographics
There are many factors that cause homicide numbers to plummet or soar. The California Post has created a simple way to view the most homicides in each of our 50 US states in the following infographic. They also included the top 10 cities with the most homicides....Jun 2, 2017 | Travel Infographics
Discover charm and personality of some of the most famous neighborhoods in London. Learn about their history and the many sights to see in this infographic.