May 19, 2017 | Health Infographics
An average person spends a third of his/her life sleeping. However, not all of us are lucky and healthy enough to get the most out of those 8 hours. Based on some health research data, one in every eight people in America is diagnosed with one of the other sleep disorder. The quality of sleep not only determines how you feel next day. It also reflects on your mood, your productivity, and your general health condition.
May 18, 2017 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Snuggling up with your feline friend is the choice of many cat owners. It can be calming, release stress, and promote bonding with your cat. Unfortunately, sharing your bed with a cat isn’t always conducive to getting a good night’s sleep. This is because cats tend to be nocturnal, which can lead to some pretty irritating behaviors. Which cat owner hasn’t been woken up by a cat pummeling their chest or nibbling on their toes?
May 18, 2017 | Marketing Infographics
Don’t let a limited marketing budget limit your outreach. Even if you have more time than money in the budget, a little strategic thinking can help get you where you want to go. Here iiContact has put together a list of ways to market your business for free.
May 18, 2017 | Marketing Infographics
Like fashion styles, logo design trends come and go. What’s hip one year can look tacky and outdated the next. To determine which design trends are popular and on the rise, the team at LogoMaker looked at the logo redesigns of big brands. By choosing subtle design changes, you can maintain the essence of your brand while adapting it to modern tastes. If you’re thinking about updating your logo, consider using some of these design trends.
May 17, 2017 | Lifestyle Infographics
From the super efficient camp organizer to the rough and ready caveman camper, Cool of the Wild presents 16 of the most common types of camper in a colorful and humorous infographic.
May 16, 2017 | Finance & Money Infographics
Everyone knows goals are important, but how many of us actually have them, especially regarding how we manage our money? It can be a confronting subject to think about, especially if you’re nowhere near where you’re supposed to be! But don’t worry too much about it – firstly, many (most?) people don’t have it figured out either. Secondly, it’s never to late to get started!
May 15, 2017 | Marketing Infographics
A successful business is marked by its healthy performance record in the industry. The growth of a company should be steadily rising. Email marketing and social media marketing plays a vital role in the business growth. This infographic looks at email vs social media marketing performance analysis for a healthy business.
May 15, 2017 | Travel Infographics
Here is a helpful infographic from the folks at the UK based French villas website called that is packed with information for tourists who are going to France on their holiday. The infographic starts off by providing some quick stats and then has sections on transport and driving in France, budgeting for your holiday, healthcare in France and things to do and see in France.
May 12, 2017 | Transportation Infographics
The vehicles of Star Wars includes Death Stars, TIE fighters, X-Wings, and so much more! From Knights of the Old Republic to The Force Awakens to the very first film, A New Hope, every new iteration of Star Wars has resulted in an explosion of creativity and design, with amazing and beautiful imaginary spaceships whooshing and firing lasers across the screen.
May 12, 2017 | Business Infographics
Here is an interesting and most amusing infographic from ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus that shows the funny comic poster of 9 different kinds of help desk callers who want to get their jobs done without any setbacks.