History of Printing

There aren’t too many industries older than printing. Its origins go back to woodblock printing in 200AD. To try and understand the route that the art of printing has taken through to today’s digital formats, Diginate.com has created an infographic charting its history, and make some predictions for its future.

How Dangerous is Cycling in the UK?

Cycling is a fantastic method of transport, ensuring you keep fit whilst getting from A to B. But 70% of non-cyclists say that the roads are too dangerous to cycle on — why is this? The team at Mayiclaim has created an infographic to delve into the numbers behind the UK’s dangerous roads.

Mapping NYC’s Diversity

Today, over 200 nationalities reside in New York City, making it one of the most ethnically and racially diverse places in the world. Throughout the years, an array of ethnic neighborhoods have blossomed into cultural hubs, teeming with worldly inspiration. From where to go in Little Odessa, what to eat in Little Senegal, what to do in K-Town, and much more – this infographic by Headout acts an ultimate guide to experiencing the world in NYC.

How Long Does Meth Stay In Your System

There are a number of factors that can alter the length of time that meth will remain in your system. These include the frequency of use, the dose and functionality of the kidneys and liver (these organs flush the drug out of the system and if they are not functioning at maximum efficiency then it will linger for longer).

Public Speaking Fear: Getting Rid of It In a Jiffy

Let’s face it: public speaking is frightening. Even the best speakers experience jitters before they go onstage. They just hide it really, really well—or they’re so used to stage fright that it’s no longer an issue after their warmup exercises. Audience members pick up on signs of discomfort when you as a speaker have a hard time onstage: excessive sweating, stuttering, shortness of breath, etc. When they do, you become more conscious about what you’re doing, and the anxiety starts to build up.

International Phone Etiquette for Business

According to the 2016 Wells Fargo International Business Indicator, 47 percent of U.S. companies expect profits from international business activity to increase this year, and 87 percent agree that international expansion is needed for long-term growth. This infographic presents the do’s and don’ts of making business with internationals over the phone.

The Medical Benefits of Taking a Holiday

We all know a vacation is good for us, but do we really understand why? The team at Daffodil Hotel have broken down what happens before, during and after a holiday in the following infographic, so you can see just how big the health benefits are.

Behavior Analysis to Know Your Audience and Maximize Your Budget

As companies allocate their annual budgets, more resources are being directed to analytics. Marketing teams want to make sure they’re sending the right messages to the right audiences on the right channels. If even one piece of this equation is off, the marketing department could be wasting money and broadcasting to deaf ears. Behavioral analytics create a yellow brick road for marketing teams to follow.