What Percentage of Businesses Fail in Their First Three Years?

Many people starting a business are concerned with long-term projections for growth and success. The team at LLC Attorney zeroed in on what’s most important with a graphic showing business survival rates up to 3 years. Discover the percentage of business survival rates in their first, second, and third years, broken down by industry.

Where Does America Sleep?

With their new study, the team at NapLab focused on a fascinating area of sleep: where Americans across the nation sleep at night. The findings in this study offer insight into how many people can afford a home, how many live in group settings, and other fascinating details.

50 Eye-Opening Domestic Violence Statistics for 2024

Domestic violence wreaks havoc in homes and usually has long-term consequences for victims. An infographic created by the team at Joslyn Law Firm demonstrates the huge scope of domestic violence in the United States. They selected 50 statistics that make clear the depth and severity of domestic violence. 

The Ultimate Timeline of Artificial Intelligence Technology

From the early ancient ideas and inventions that led to today’s predictive text software, the team at AIPRM charted the progress of AI technology. Starting in the ancient era, we find figures like the Persian Father of Algebra, Al-Khwarizmi. His discovery of algorithms made computing possible, which, in turn, made AI possible.