Dec 16, 2016 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Whether you’re a dog person, a cat person, a bird person or a lizard person, it doesn’t really matter. Sure, each type of pet has its differences, but for marketers and marketing to pet owners, that’s only half the picture. The following infographic explains some of the differences between dog and cat owners as well as what unites both types of pet lovers.
Dec 15, 2016 | Law and Legal Infographics
This infographic examines shocking facts about legal marijuana in the US including the financial profit states have experienced after legalization as well as the affect, if any, legalized marijuana has had on substance abuse addiction in those areas.
Dec 14, 2016 | Transportation Infographics
Every car has a history, and that history could have a big impact on the price you’re willing to pay for a used car. This infographic from CARFAX explores these and other items you will want to consider when buying a used car.
Dec 14, 2016 | Health Infographics
As mobile apps are growing in number, apps in the healthcare industry are also multiplying at the same pace. More and more providers as well as patients, have come up in favor of combining mobile technology with healthcare since one of its benefits is easier and systematic access to primary healthcare services.
Dec 14, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
Each new year brings with it a new batch of trends we can expect to see popping up on websites. This infographic shows ten predicted web design and UX trends for 2017 that have enormous potential for increasing website conversions.
Dec 13, 2016 | Business Infographics
When many people think about office buildings, they think of boring structures to be endured rather than enjoyed. Yet across the world there are numerous teams of creative geniuses smashing that stereotype with innovative designs and beautiful buildings. In this infographic, Euroffice looks at the world’s most amazing office buildings.
Dec 13, 2016 | Travel Infographics
After school, many students take time out to go traveling around the world. Unfortunately, doing so can hamper your employability. So, what can you do if you really want to travel but also want to be employable once you return? In this infographic, Euro Hostels provides potential travelers some top tips on how to convert each new experience you have whilst traveling, into something worth talking about.
Dec 12, 2016 | Business Infographics
Let’s face it. Remote work is here to stay. Technology has made it so that communicating with workers around the globe is easier than ever before. The ability to source the talent on a global scale has given employers the ability to hire the best possible person for the job, regardless of where she lives.
Dec 12, 2016 | Food & Drink Infographics
Christmas is full of flavors. It’s an explosion on our taste buds. We suffer from food and drink hangovers, we stumble groggily through a haze of glitter towards New Year, realizing that if we never see another glass of Buck’s Fizz or turkey sandwich again we’d be perfectly happy. However, there’s no reason overindulging must get the better of you this Christmas.
Dec 9, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Before the first touchdown, before kickoff, in fact even before the first fan enters the stadium, the game has already begun. Maintaining the sports stadiums that host the 32 teams of the National Football League is a full-time sport all its own. Here’s a look at what goes into flipping a football field and keeping the grass green long after summer ends, and just how those end zone graphics are kept so freshly painted week after week.