Dec 8, 2016 | Offbeat Infographics
A favorite pair of jeans can be a closet staple. And when you finally find a pair with just the right fit, you hope they’ll last forever. From freezing your jeans to vodka washes, here are a few denim hacks that will help you prolong their lifespan, compiled in a nifty infographic from Denim Hacker.
Dec 8, 2016 | Travel Infographics
Are you preparing for an exciting road trip with your kids? This infographic provides 19 easy, healthy options to prepare before embarking on your next adventure. These snacks are perfect for both children and adults, and they can help you avoid empty calories at rest stops and fast food chains.
Dec 8, 2016 | Transportation Infographics
As we are currently enjoying the new season of the Walking Dead, the team at Select Car Leasing thought they’d take a look at the vehicles used in the show and critique how each would do in an actual zombie apocalypse.
Dec 8, 2016 | Offbeat Infographics
There are some quirky, usually unspoken rules about spending a penny in the office toilet. But it’s time we flushed the toilet taboo and sorted things out so we can all have a slightly more pleasant experience going to the toilet at work. Read this infographic from Euroffice to find out our rules of office toilet etiquette.
Dec 7, 2016 | Political Infographics
Donald Trump will soon be the 45th President of the United States. This has led to a huge amount of controversy and chatter with certain portions of the population who are worried about Trump’s policies and demeanor. In this opinionated infographic, explores what American citizens might expect from the 45th elected president, looking at his previous statements during the election campaign.
Dec 5, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
There are influential people in just about every industry. However, because they are generally not household names, you will need to search to find who these people are. They are often relatively easy to find, as they have hundreds of thousands, often millions, of followers on a particular social media platform.
Dec 2, 2016 | Offbeat Infographics
If you’re trying to get into the hobby of sewing, one of the first things you’ll realize will surely be the huge variety of sewing machines on the market. With dozens of different capabilities and prices ranging from under $100 to over $1,000, which sewing machine should you choose? This handy infographic highlights the different types of sewing machines.
Dec 2, 2016 | Health Infographics
Pupillary distance measures the space between the pupils of your eyes. Knowing this measurement is important to make sure your eyes match up with the optical center of your lenses. Follow the following visual guide from Zenni for simple, step-by-step instructions to measure your PD at home.
Dec 2, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
Good marketers will keep talking about what they’re offering non-stop, hoping that the service or product—its features, specifications, and the like—will entice the customer to buy it and letting it do the talk. Great marketers will relate with the following infographic by SlideGenius. Let’s study up on persuasion, the ultimate essential skill.
Dec 1, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
What works best in referral marketing today? From social channels and sharing rates to sign-up conversions; marketers have plenty of options to improve their referral marketing statistics. But why does referral marketing work in the first place? Because… friends love to share.