Nov 10, 2016 | Home & Garden Infographics
When something goes wrong in the bathroom or under the kitchen sink, it normally causes home owners to freak out and call a plumber. However, did you know that some of the most common faults that occur are easily fixable, even if you have little or no DIY experience? In this infographic, explore 5 plumbing jobs that you can do yourself.
Nov 9, 2016 | Political Infographics
As the U.S. Presidential Election nears, candidates are faced with pressing issues that need to be addressed. One of the more intriguing topics is how the next administration might treat the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or more commonly known as the Obamacare. For presidential hopeful Donald Trump, this “horror,” as he labels it, should be completely scrapped. But how will repealing it really affect Americans?
Nov 9, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Whether you like it or not, technology is starting to creep its way into the beautiful game. The latest installation has been the trail of video replays, where a referee gets to take another look at an incident like we all do when we watch the game on the TV. We also have Goal-Line technology, which has been implemented in the top flight for a couple of years now. But what’s in store for football technology in the future?
Nov 9, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
Keyboard shortcuts are perhaps the least important thing a Social Media Marketer is concerned about. But did you know that by mastering keyboard shortcuts commonly missed out on social media platforms, you can save up to 60 hours per year? Here is an infographic summing up the most useful and important keyboard shortcuts for various browsers and social media sites.
Nov 8, 2016 | Technology Infographics
There is a new curiosity among mobile lovers since iPhone7 & Google Pixel came on the market last month. In September, Apple has introduced iPhone 7 and 7 plus, having some cool new features, iOS 10 and stunning look. Google has also introduced two new devices at the same time, Google Pixel and Pixel XL with upgraded features, Android 7.1 version, and great design for the users.
Nov 8, 2016 | Health Infographics
Even when we try our very best, sometimes bad food habits get the best of us. We are all guilty of at least one bad eating habit. From drinking too much soda to “saving our calories” for desserts, these little bad habits can add up to some big nutrition no-nos! This infographic breaks down the worst eating habits and offers easy fixes for them, so you can make positive changes, one habit at a time.
Nov 7, 2016 | Environmental Infographics
The Universe is a place of extremes. What would happen if you were exposed to space without any protection? How does an astronaut keep cool and warm? What about the ship they travel in and the station they live in? How do things not freeze or combust?
Nov 7, 2016 | Political Infographics
In this election season, we have gotten to know a great deal about the presidential candidates, probably a lot more than we like to! As can happen with TV characters when we binge-watch a show, the Washington hopefuls can feel like our friends or neighbors or even enemies. But what would happen if we conducted a different kind of election? What if instead of the winner taking up residence in the White House, they would instead come to live with you in your house?
Nov 7, 2016 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Life is better with cats! It really is. But did you know there’s a ton of science and research to back it up? The fact of the matter is that cats make us both happier and healthier in a variety of ways. The folks at have put together this handy infographic outlining 22 ways cats make people happier and healthier.
Nov 4, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
When two cars come racing down the track on the final lap, the difference between first and second place is as thin as a knife’s edge. Until 1993, NASCAR officials actually used to time these photo finishes with regular stopwatches! Today, they use powerful and fast cameras and electronic timers instead. But no matter how you measure them, those finishes are still close.