The Student Loan Debt Crisis

Everyone knows college students and graduates are taking on a lot of debt to pay for school tuition and college expenses, but where exactly is most of the debt going to? Private colleges like ITT Tech? Or major universities? This infographic shows exactly how the over $1 trillion+ in student loan debt is being spent. The data/stats for this infographic was collected from Student Loan Hero.

Stop Cyberbullying

Social Media has reshaped the way that our youth communicate with each other outside of school through their online interactions. But not everyone wants to be friends online, and often times bullies use social media as an outlet to become even bolder than they typically would in person. The effects can be extremely harmful to the victim emotionally.

Pokies Addiction: Crack Cocaine of Gambling

Australia’s penchant for a punt has become a problem – and Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation is the most transparent hard hitting documentary to ever expose the facts, sharing exactly how the gambling industry and poker machine operators use these insidious pokies to cause addiction and help transfer the wealth from the communities that need it most.

Nevada Gun Laws & Gun Ownership By State

Ladah Law Firm has created this infographic with the intention of helping people understand the laws surrounding open & concealed carry as well as a number of other related Nevada gun laws. It outlines some key details on Nevada gun laws including concealed & open carry, transport, permits, legal guns, sales, etc.

What If the Top Transfers of This Summer Were Cars?

The Premier League FINALLY returns after the international break and fans will get to see their teams finalized squads in action, following the closure of the transfer window. The team at is completely obsessed with cars but unfortunately, there is no such thing as a motoring transfer window. That’s why they have got in on the fun with our own version of silly season.

The Benefits of Vitamins for Healthy Skin

We all know that vitamins are needed for our bodies to function optimally. They are also required for healthy skin and hair. Whether they are taken orally or applied in the form of creams or lotions, they can prevent various skin ailments and give you radiant skin. Vitamins can do everything from hydrate skin, reduce pigmentation, improve texture and renew skin cells.

Mens Hats – The Complete Guide

Do flat caps suits a round face? What’s an inner tip? Telescopic or cattleman? Hat’s are a complex topic. They give a man style and distinction, but choose the wrong type and it can do more damage than good. To cure you’re confusion, Samuel Windsor has created this infographic as a definitive guide to help you choose your ideal hat.

How to Effectively Do Curation

Curation is a great way to increase visibility to your content after you publish it. In addition, strategic curation can help you develop relationships and publishing alliances with other relevant experts in your industry. For a breakdown of how you can effectively do curation, check out the following infographic.