UK House Building in Numbers

Since Brexit, there has been much speculation how the UK’s housing market will cope with the outcome of the vote. With property prices, rents and house building in the news almost on a daily basis, here is a handy infographic which explains the numbers behind the headlines.

Making Movies – DIY Guide

In this infographic, learn how to shoot a movie like a professional by using the camera on your mobile phone to shoot the movie. It also features some accessories that will boost the professionalism of your mobile phone’s camera and some cool technology that will help stabilize your phone whilst shooting.

Build Your Own Technology Stack

The term “stack” refers to a collection of programming languages, software and tools that work together to create a digital end product or solution, like websites, applications or even programs that are incorporated by a larger technology platform. Learn about tech stacks in the following infographic.

Calculate the LTV of Your App Users For Success

Measuring LTV (life time value) is the first step for creating effective marketing strategies. The formula for calculating LTV depends on the marketing strategies employed but it is important to have an accurate measure so that you can determine the real status of your a

Hoverboard Safety Tips

Hoverboards have grown in popularity over the past couple of years, and in that time have gotten a bad reputation for being dangerous. They are the bad boy of the scooter family. The exact number of incidents involving hoverboards is unknown, but the recent recall of over half a million hoverboards have led many to ask – are they safe?

Smarter and Greener: The Future of Building

This is an exciting time to be in construction. The challenges of a growing world population and increased economic development across the world are putting an increased strain on our resources and the environment. This challenge is being met across the globe by engineers who are developing new methods of construction.

The Process for Curing Obesity

Obesity is considered a disease by the World Healthy Authority, and if we’re now considering it a disease, we should consequently be talking about a cure for this disease. It is a misconception that obesity sufferers are trapped and must remain that way. Obesity can be cured through a combination of physical exercise and diet.

Feel the Power: Shocking Facts About Electricity Usage in the United States

As one of the leading producers and consumers of electricity in the world, the USA has – out of necessity – gotten creative with the ways it generates power. From geothermal plants in Alaska, to Iowa, the leading ethanol producer in the country, to the humble wind-factory of Nebraska, the US is awash in both traditional and environmentally friendly methods of electricity generation.