Aug 16, 2016 | Business Infographics
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is reshaping the way companies do business. CSR encompasses a company’s social and environmental initiatives. The following infographic highlights four key ways that CSR can improve a company’s bottom line.
Aug 16, 2016 | Offbeat Infographics
Pipe marking is required in most industrial facilities. The standards are set by ANSI and ASME. This infographic from Creative Safety Supply covers the basics of pipe marking, focusing on the colors, size and locations of labels.
Aug 15, 2016 | Career Infographics
Want a job abroad? After all, launching abroad can expand your mind and horizons – for many this will be a turning point in their life, where they share experiences with a whole new team and friends. Working abroad is an enriching experience.
Aug 12, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
This infographic discusses the facts of user-generated marketing, why it’s effective, and how you can leverage it for your business and in your marketing campaigns.
Aug 12, 2016 | Health Infographics
Building muscles may sound easy; it’s not. You need discipline, consistency, and sometimes an incredible amount of sacrifice. If you really want to achieve that impressive Hulk like physique, it’s time to stop dreaming and do the hard work. To help you, here are some proven tips.
Aug 11, 2016 | Food & Drink Infographics
We’ve all gone nuts for coconuts! The UK spends £60 million a year on coconut water alone. And coconut oil is popping up everywhere from our fitness regimes to our beauty regimes. But how do other countries use them? Find out in this infographic by Holland and Barrett.
Aug 11, 2016 | Lifestyle Infographics
Productivity is one of the biggest concerns for every person who wants to succeed in work-life. Unfortunately there are some habits that kill your productivity and you may be practicing them without even realizing it. In the infographic below, the team at Luxafor Blog have gathered 10 most common habits that can minimize your work efficiency.
Aug 10, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
With the Summer Olympics in Rio, this infographic from Supplement Mart focuses some of the rising stars in all sports, from swimming to athletics, cycling to gymnastics.
Aug 10, 2016 | Business Infographics
This infographic outlines some of the most heinous corporate accounting scandals of all time, because really, who doesn’t love a good scandal?
Aug 10, 2016 | Business Infographics
OSHA… striking fear into the hearts of employers every day of the week. This infographic helps alleviate some of the fear by demystifying what occurs during a surprise inspection. If conditions are good in your workplace, you should have nothing to fear. If they are not, this infographic can give employers a head start on fixing things.