Rock Climbing Essentials

Rock climbing is one of the earliest sporting activities to hit the globe. people have been using a variety of ropes to ascend to the top of mountains since before specialized climbing equipment existed. Here is an infographic from that looks at the essentials of rock climbing.

Child Obesity in the United States and How to Fight it

If current trends persist, it is calculated that 70 million children are at risk for being overweight or obese by 2025 worldwide. In the United States, more than 1 in 3 children ages 2-19 are overweight or obese. This infographic presents state-by-state statistics on how many kids are overweight and obese using the CDC’s 2015 data.

Strange and Rare Road Signs of the World

Do you have a favorite road sign? If you do, it’s probably a rare one! Road signs are such a regular part of our lives that they’re almost like white-noise in our lives. You can forget about how exceptionally useful some of them are. But when you see one that’s both useful and strange or rare – well, that one will stick in your memory.

Are You Tough Enough?

Thinking of getting fit but need a challenge to really motivate you? Or perhaps you just want to test your fitness against some of the toughest challenges the UK has to offer. Then perhaps you’d like to look through this guide to find out what event will suit you best. The guide below includes some of the UK’s biggest and best endurance races that are open for all to enjoy.

Road Rage Behaviors

This infographic from the team at TitleMax breaks down some of the most common behaviors that are displayed in road rage situations. There are also some startling statistics on road rage and how dangerous it really can be.

Millennials Vote: Democrats vs Republicans

This infographic shows the political courses of the Democrats and the Republicans before the upcoming elections. It is designed to help millennials familiarize with the differences between the political views and programs of the two parties and to decide for whom you will vote on the presidential elections this November.

The Bathroom Renovation Cheat Sheet

If you want to give your bathroom a refreshed feel, add extra storage or even update your color scheme, this bathroom renovation cheat sheet provides quick and easy steps to renovate your bathroom by yourself, from removing the old suite to adding finishing touches.