The History of the Solar-Powered Car

The history of solar-powered cars began as a humble 15-inch solar-powered car model made of balsa wood in 1955. Along the way, many marvelous innovations have emerged. Here is a timeline of solar cars that celebrates the advances in solar technology and can help us to imagine the bright opportunities to come.

Michael Jordan vs LeBron James: Who is the GOAT?

Who is the GOAT (greatest of all time) has been a longstanding debate in Basketball town. In this infographic, BetZillion aims to discover who is the real GOAT: Michael Jordan or LeBron James. It includes regular season stats, playoff stats, finals stats, clutch statistics, career accolades and awards, and ultimately is a head-to-head comparison of two great basketball players.

The Ultimate Chart of 100 Lighthouses of the United States

Lighthouses are critical in the navigation of boats in oceans and waterways. These beacons have helped maritime pilots avoid hazardous obstacles and find safe passage for hundreds of years. The following infographic visualizes 100 of the most iconic and historic lighthouses around the United States.

Website Maintenance: The Multifold Aspects You Should Know

Webmasters spend a significant amount of time and money creating a dynamic site for their business. However, the work does not stop there as a web site will need to be maintained. Due to the technical challenges that can be experienced in maintaining a website, one should handle the procedure with extreme care and vigilance.

Why Use Quizzes for Lead Generation?

Online quizzes are powerful lead generation tools. recently crunched the numbers for their 2021 Quiz Marketing Annual Report. Using 3.3 billion data points from their community’s overall use, the following infographic presents 9 key statistics that will help marketers decide if quiz marketing is right for them.

Top 6 Exercises to Combat Erectile Dysfunction

We all know that cardio workouts are great for your heart. Pilates does wonders for your core. Weightlifting helps with your strength. Yoga is good for your mental health. But, did you know that there are exercises (several, in fact) that can help you with erectile dysfunction, and improve your sex life in general? In the following infographic, Canadian Pharmacy World looks at 6 exercises to combat erectile dysfunction.

Around the World in 50 Breakfast Dishes

Breakfast is commonly said to be the most important meal of the day, but this expression can be applied to a wide variety of breakfast dishes depending on where you live. In the following infographic, Kulick’s Pancake Recipes did some research and rounded up 50 breakfasts around the world, with each very different and distinct to its people and culture.

10 Reasons You Need A Termite Barrier To Protect Your Home

Termites are everywhere and unchecked, they can cause major damage to your home. Fortunately there’s no such thing as “too secure” when it comes down to protecting our property from these pesky insects. Here is an informative infographic that features 10 reasons why we should all invest into some form of protection against termites.

The Oldest Business in Every U.S. State

There are many U.S. businesses that have been in operation since before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. From taverns and restaurants to farms, many of the country’s oldest businesses have been operating for hundreds of years. The following infographic visualizes the oldest business in every state.