Aug 1, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Every kid dreams of catching a home run at the big baseball game, taking it to their favorite player, getting it signed, and owning a priceless piece of sports history. Even a foul ball from your favorite player or team can make a lifetime of memories. But catching one of these fly balls isn’t easy!
Aug 1, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
This 5 qualities of a great presenter infographic presents qualities of a skillful presenter and clues from the pros on how to deliver more engaging presentations. Also the best-selling books about public speaking.
Jul 29, 2016 | Offbeat Infographics
GHS (Globally Harmonized System) is an internationally accepted method of identifying chemicals for storage and transport. This infographic shows the timeline of implementation for GHS in the US. This system affects every business that uses chemicals.
Jul 29, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
With so many social media networks today and each one constantly changing, keeping track of your company profiles across all these channels can be challenging. Everything in a specific social channel is likely to change, sometimes frequently. That’s why Arcalea has put together this social media reference guide for summer 2016.
Jul 28, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Even though the Olympics don’t start until August, you started searching for the term “Rio Olympics” in 2012. The amount of searches for this same term increased over 4000% since then. Given the bright colors and stunning natural beauty of Rio de Janiero, it’s already a popular place for photography. It’s no surprise that becoming an Olympic host would boost its popularity.
Jul 28, 2016 | Food & Drink Infographics
Protein is usually encouraged for bariatric post-ops, especially right after the surgery. Eating protein-rich foods after the surgery is proven to aid repair, build, and maintain muscle tissue and organs. But since post-ops cannot eat heaps of foods (as they used to be) doctors recommend complementing it with protein shakes or supplements to ensure they’re gaining enough protein that their body need.
Jul 27, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
Trade shows provide a unique opportunity to connect with prospective clients and partners face-to-face, and if done right, they are worth the investment. There’s a lot that goes into a successful trade show, and simply showing up won’t cut it. To maximize your ROI, you should develop a clear plan for before, during and after the show.
Jul 26, 2016 | Home & Garden Infographics
This complex map infographic lists and compares several different pieces of data. First, it shows the listed price of real estate per square foot in cities across America. It also shows the median household income for those cities. Next, it compares those figures to the national average.
Jul 26, 2016 | Offbeat Infographics
Our country is about to face one of the most divisive elections in its long, rich history. The winner may be anyone’s guess, but the one thing we know for sure is that no matter who wins, a lot of people are going to be upset. For those looking to relocate to Canada depending on the outcome of the next election, here’s a guide.
Jul 25, 2016 | Parenting Infographics
The digital age has been very helpful. It has allowed individuals to make use of it by searching online for things they want to gain knowledge about or getting in touch with people through networking sites for professional and/or personal reasons. But, the downside is that the use of technology- specifically cyber related electronic devices have led to a harm for individuals and society as a whole. Though technology cannot be blamed for it but the fact still remains.