Crazy Celebrity Cars

We all know that celebrities love to flaunt their new cars. But these celebrities have taken it to a whole new level. Below is a selection of the craziest cars owned by celebrities, compiled by Select Car Leasing.

Formula 1 Racing Match Ups

Formula One is famous for having some of the biggest rivalries in sport such as Senna and Prost, Hunt and Lauda and eve n right now with Hamilton and Rosberg. But what if we could take some of F1’s greatest drivers and match them up with the best of today? The folks at Car Leasing Made Simple have done just that.

Carbon Monoxide – The Silent Killer

Carbon monoxide – because you can’t smell it, hear it, or taste it, it’s known as “the silent killer” in that it can kill you before you know it’s there. Here is an infographic that provides an extensive overview of the dangers posed by carbon monoxide.

The Evolution of Beer

Today, we live in a world full of small craft breweries and giant beer corporations. How have we gotten here? The history of beer is full of astonishing facts and rich stories, and the road to where we are today is more interesting than you may think. Learn all about the evolution of beer in this infographic.

2016 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Building your brand name is one of the essential things you need to get in line if you want to gain credibility and leadership within your industry. Visual assets are core to how brand story is presented, so getting the right image might be crucial for your brand on social media. In the following infographic, see important image sizes for your business social profiles and pages you should always keep in mind when presenting your service on social networks.

Could You Be Stranded for Days & Survive?

Have you ever wondered what might happen if your car battery or gas tank sputtered out, leaving you stranded on a deserted road for an interminable period of time? Would you be equipped with those “just in case” essentials, or would you be forced to rough it? For survival tips and necessities, check out this infographic.

The Anatomy of a Terrible Web Host

Finding that ideal web hosting company is never going to be easy. Spending time searching for the right web host for your business or blog is often overlooked, yet its a critical element of a successful online business. Increasing customer conversion rates and the overall experience is essential to building solid foundations. This infographic show’s some interesting facts about the web hosting market.

Where to Find Sun All Year Round

The Solar Centre’s infographic looks at the sunniest destinations scattered across the globe. There’s certainly a destination for everyone – from the Mediterranean island of Malta which experiences approximately 300 days of good weather a year, to Florida which averages 260 full days of sunshine.