Man’s Ultimate Facial Hair Guide

Every so often, men seek to change the way they look. Whether that be the clothes they wear, the cologne they use, or maybe the watch they wear. None of these, however, have an impact as big as facial hair will have on ones’ look. This infographic compiles one super-guide with different styles of facial hair. You no longer need to browse five different websites to find a style that interests you.

Meet Jack and Jill: A Tale of Customer Experience

Customer experience is rapidly becoming the differentiating factor when it comes to a consumer decision, and personalization is the key to winning on the experience front. However, tracking your customer across channels makes it challenging for any marketer to meet their audiences with the right message at the right moment in the customer journey.

Kitchen Trends to Consider (and Avoid) for Your Remodel

Kitchen remodels can feel like a daunting and expensive task, but moderate updates to countertops, cabinets, and even color schemes can give a fresh and functional feel to your old kitchen. The following infographic by The Home Depot provides tips on the hottest trends in new cabinets, counter tops, colors and accents.

Vaping Saved My Life

Groundbreaking research out of UCL demonstrates that 20,000 smokers traded their cigarettes for e-cigarettes in the UK in 2015. It’s predicted that at least the same number again will stop smoking thanks to vaping in 2016. In total, the Office for National Statistics has found that 863,000 current vapers are ex-smokers.

How To Buy Investment Property: 10 Basic Steps For Beginners

Getting into the real estate game and buying your first investment property is exciting, and a little scary, but it is the first crucial step in taking control of your financial future. It will create the first stream of passive income, which will cover part of your living expenses so that you don’t have to actively work for that money anymore.

A Cavalcade of Cats!

Cats come in all sorts of stripes, colors, spots, and personalities. No two cats are the same, it seems! But cats of the same breed, like birds of a feather, do share some traits in common. Some have unique dietary restrictions or health concerns. Others tend to have common personality traits. If you’re looking to get a cat, you can start with this infographic to familiarize yourself with the general aspects of each breed.

I’m a Dog. I Hate Hugs. Get Over It!

Just like humans, dogs are complicated creatures. We have our likes and dislikes just like you. But this hugging thing got way out of hand. We’ve been tight for thousands of years. Are you humans gonna throw that away over this? Sorry if we hurt your feelings, but think about all the good times we’ve shared together. We would die for you. Literally.

Solar Power at Sea

When it comes to collecting the sun’s rays, solar panels have been placed almost everywhere – on rooftops, open farmland, and even on moving vehicles – and now innovators are trying to take solar out to sea. Floating solar panels on the ocean could have a huge impact...

The Art of Cooling – 100 Years On

With temperatures continuing to rise across the world and summers becoming more and more unbearable with each passing year, there’s no better time to take a look at the evolution of cooling through the years and how man grew to be so dependent on this invention.