Mar 21, 2016 | Lifestyle Infographics
The size of the average American is growing… growing so much in fact that it has become an epidemic. Recent initiatives and trends are slowing the increase but it simply isn’t enough. This infographic details the trends in BMI over time and how and where Americans are at the highest risk.
Mar 18, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
If your company doesn’t prioritize top of the line customer service and support, you simply won’t stay afloat. Here’s 9 horrible customer service phrases that pressure cook problems, and what to say instead. Remember, when assisting a disgruntled customer, don’t dwell on the problem. Instead, focus on finding a solution.
Mar 18, 2016 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Cats have style, cats have panache and cats have class. They’re not content slumming it like dogs. So why not get some inspiration from these amazing design ideas from Terrys Fabrics and make your home both cat friendly and great looking.
Mar 18, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
When it comes to sports, we all have our own superstitions to bring luck to our favorite team or players, but what about the players themselves? This infographic describes some of the most bizarre rituals of players in various different sports.
Mar 18, 2016 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Did you know that an average of 6.6 people in the U.S. die from venomous spider bites each year? While most bug bites are relatively harmless, some could put you in the emergency room. From mosquitoes to black widow spiders, learn how to identify some of the most common bug bites and their side effects in this detailed infographic.
Mar 17, 2016 | Finance & Money Infographics
There are two very different philosophies about retirement. ‘The Deferred Life Plan’, which says you should work hard your entire life for somebody else with minimal vacation time, build up a “nest egg”, then retire at age 65, reduce your lifestyle and hope that you die before your nest-egg runs out. Or, there’s The Maverick Plan.
Mar 17, 2016 | Marketing Infographics
Seeking to uncover what it means to lead a creative life, online portfolio platform Format surveyed over 2,000 people as part of its talented community on their daily habits to create this “day in the life” infographic. The step-by-step guide shows how today’s photographers, designers, illustrators, artists, filmmakers and other creative pros spend their time.
Mar 16, 2016 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
This infographic from Ocean Sands Hotel includes some of the best cycling routes in Ireland. Whether you want a relaxed, scenic cycle or something a little more challenging, there is a cycle route suitable for everyone.
Mar 16, 2016 | Home & Garden Infographics
Urban planning has changed dramatically over the years. This infographic explores and highlights the amazing evolution of urban planning dating back to the 1700s.
Mar 15, 2016 | Finance & Money Infographics
Last year Michael Jordan officially made the Forbes Billionaire list for the first time. In 2016 he has done it again, and is currently the wealthiest athlete on the planet. This timeline graphic outlines the various investments made by the greatest basketball player of all time to have finally reached $1 billion in net worth.