14 Times In Business You Should A/B Test

A/B testing is the scientific way of arriving at the truth, or at least the best option in a given set of conditions. Website A/B testing broadly means testing two versions of a webpage to see which fares better with your visitors and earns you more sales or conversions. In this infographic, discover 14 times in business where you should A/B test.

Time Based Deals: A Revolution in Affiliate Advertising

The retail and e-commerce landscape is rapidly changing. Consumers are increasingly price conscious and comparison shop via online methods utilizing their mobile phones. Affiliate advertisers can help position themselves in this changing landscape by harnessing the power of “urgency” through combining time-based deals (aka “flash sales”) with traditional affiliate marketing to create the next generation shopping experience.

Build Your Cat a Better Life

We love our cats, but they can be demanding. They want something to scratch, toys to play with and sometimes a nice perch to sit on. So the team at Powertool World have decided to look at some of the ways you can make your cat’s, and to a degree your, lives a little more interesting with your own DIY skills.

Pablo Escobar: The Man Behind The Moustache

Pablo Escobar the ‘King of Cocaine’ is still the richest drug lord this planet has ever prosecuted. From humble beginnings, Escobar went on to become of the wealthiest, most powerful and most violent criminals of all time. What made one man and his moustache become the world’s most well-known Columbian drug baron?

Are You Addicted To Your Mobile Phone?

Cash Generator’s latest research has revealed that we claim to be less addicted to our mobile phones than we were just four years ago – while 87% of people now own a mobile phone, up from 83% in 2011, only a third (32%) confessed to being addicted to their devices, down from half (49%) – despite the fact that smartphone ownership has rocketed from 35% to 77%.

A Complete Guide to 2016 Content Marketing Trends

Keeping up with the trends in the content marketing world is a full-time gig, but marketers can weather the storm by looking ahead. Create a strategy to cater to the coming 2016 year, and you’ll be set right out of the gate. So what’s on the content strategy horizon? ZenContent came up with a few predictions.

The Evolution of Work Desk

Over the last few months, we’ve seen a number of interesting work desk concepts from standing and sit-stand to napping and hamsterwheel and the very latest, Dentist chair work desk called Altwork station. The folks at WeAreTop10.com went back in time to when the first computers were launched, replacing the typewriter and quill and over the years physical objects have been replaced by powerful computers, smartphones and apps.

The Ten Most Badass Cars from Movies

Movies and cars are a long-standing tradition. Cars from movies are often the stuff childhood memories are made of. There are cars that make the movie, and movies that revolve specifically around fast cars and high speed chases. Some of these cars are iconic, and you can never remember a movie without mentioning the car the hero (or heroes) used.

Beekeeping and Honey Labeling 101

Many bee colonies have been dying out around the world in the past decade due to extensive use of pesticides, parasites and viruses, malnutrition, etc. The following infographic aims to inform readers about the status of bee colonies today and what people are doing to help them survive. It also provides very useful information about honey labeling that can interest both honey producers and consumers.