10 Most Expensive Casino Buildings Ever

You can come across a range of modern luxury and extremely large buildings, the cost of which exceeds all imaginable and unimaginable sums. The majority of them are casino buildings. This infographic depicts the most interesting information on the most expensive casino buildings all over the world.

Polish Your Point With PowerPoint’s Comments Feature

Worried about delivering a clearer and more comprehensive presentation? Relax. PowerPoint’s comments feature allows you to input your remarks and recommendations for someone’s work without getting in the way of the slide elements. It not only lessens the amount of work, but also helps you achieve an error-free slide deck.

How To Get Your mCommerce App Ready For The Holidays

The holiday season is one of the most stressful times of year for the online store and mobile commerce owners. It’s the most crucial part of the year, as businesses try to increase sales, promote brands and earn more loyal customers. The growing importance of mobile apps has forced online dealers to ensure they offer a smooth, fast and secure shopping platform to their customers.

The Truth About Styrofoam

Each year, 3 million tons of plastic foam are produced in the United States. Of these 3 million tons, 2.3 million tons end up in the landfill, where it could take 500 years to break down! Instead, choose alternatives to plastic foam and better your health as well as the environment. Use biodegradable foam, plant-based cups, or reusable materials such as a ceramic mug.

Why Use StumbleUpon: The Social Media Underdog

What else can you do get social media traffic or attention? You can use StumbleUpon where the competition is not as fierce. StumbleUpon is the 4th largest social media traffic driver. Unlike Twitter and Facebook, StumbleUpon delivers traffic to your door step – there is no fighting for top spot or hoping for clicks.