Dec 2, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
Generation Z is a very new generation of kids that all marketers and brand managers should start understanding, if they want their brands and companies to stay in the game. One reason for this is simply because Generation Z teenagers have very large amounts of spending power – they are influencing $600 billion in family spending, and will they themselves will drop $200 billion by the year 2018.
Dec 2, 2015 | Lifestyle Infographics
If you are like 8.7% of adults, then you have a pet nemesis: a phobia. Phobias can be terribly banal, commonplace, and trivial, like the fear of blood, or some hairy, toothy animal. Most people see these things and shrug them off. But if that thing is your phobia, then for you, it’s like the freaking mother of all nasty, slimy, evil ugliness.
Dec 1, 2015 | Finance & Money Infographics
It might sound like a prank call or even a scam – someone from some company you’ve never heard from telling you that they want to rent a portion of your land to install a cellular tower or a billboard for good money. Preliminary research, however, will show that the company is legitimate, and so is their money. This infographic looks at unlocking the power of your lease.
Dec 1, 2015 | Lifestyle Infographics
The VR Consumer Report includes analysis from over 2,282 respondents including kids, millennials, and parents, regarding their preferences for virtual reality products and services. Touchstone Research has compiled some of the key insights from the report into a fun infographic.
Dec 1, 2015 | Business Infographics
Who doesn’t know what Microsoft PowerPoint is? But, do you know how to use this presentation software to its full potential? Discover in this informative infographic by Best STL.
Dec 1, 2015 | Education Infographics
Exam preparation is an art to master if you want to get enrolled in school. Unfortunately, the road is bumpy, and there are too many hurdles on the way. The EssaysWrite team recommends improving your time management skills, arranging your educational space when both regular exercise and physical activity is combined with short breaks and reviewing your past exam papers.
Nov 30, 2015 | Home & Garden Infographics
What are good remodeling and home improvement ideas and which should you avoid when you want to increase the resale value of your house? As many people aren’t realtors or experts themselves, finding out what is good and what is bad may not be very easy.
Nov 30, 2015 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Some bicycle enthusiasts are hesitant at the idea of maintaining their own bicycle and as a result, end up spending a lot of money on an exercise that they could easily have handled on their own. But do you know that it is actually easy and fun to maintain your bike on your own?
Nov 30, 2015 | Offbeat Infographics
This infographic takes a look at cyber-attack trends by industry. Hacking and cyber crimes are very common in the U.S. and this infographic explores who is targeted and why.
Nov 30, 2015 | Shopping Infographics
You know Cyber Monday is a huge shopping day, but do you know exactly what time you should log on to score what you’re looking for? Here’s a breakdown from Ebates of the key Cyber Monday shopping trends that online shoppers have created from 2012 until the present year.