7 Steps to the Perfect Nap

Napping is an incredible way to boost our health and productivity. Among its many benefits, science has shown that it can enhance our mood, performance, memory and creativity. However, not all naps are created equal. To help you get the most out of your nap (and avoid that unpleasant groggy feeling), Art of Wellbeing has created this 7 step infographic.

Counting Christmas Cookie Calories… With Santa!

The holiday season is upon us and so are the irresistible, adorable, and delicious Christmas cookies. You think you have it rough, think about poor Santa! He comes face to face with a plate of cookies every time he shimmies down a chimney. Pretty soon, Santa might not fit in those chimneys. This infographic looks at counting Christmas cookie calories with Santa.

The Spammers Economy

We all hate spam, we know it’s time consuming, it can be simply annoying or in some cases downright dangerous but have you ever thought .. Why does spam exist? The team at EveryCloud has scoured the Internet and found comments, data and research from some of the industry’s most trusted professionals and complied a Godzilla sized, info packed infographic.

The Ultimate Surveillance: How The Secret Service Protects The President

What does it take to become a member of one of the most elite law enforcement agencies in the entire United States? Specialized weapons training, tactics, and analysis are all important aspects of becoming a special agent for the United States Secret Service (USSS). However, protecting the president and important government assets involves a bit more than a cool suit, a bullet-proof vehicle, and a reliable firearm.

Things That Annoy Wheelchair Users

Here is an infographic that addresses and visualizes things that annoy wheelchair users. The infographic provides specific details about the behavior of others, specifically those who are not in wheelchairs. It is important that society learns to respect those with mobility issues and people who are using wheelchairs.

Playing Golf Through The Winter

The winter is great for many things, but your golf game is not one of them. So as the northern hemisphere approaches this cold, handicap destroying, time of year, the folks at GolfOnline thought it would be apposite to provide you with some tips to keeping your game sharp through the winter.

Bringing the Outdoors Indoors

This infographic is a visual guide through the ways in which someone can give their home the feel of the outdoors. This includes the big changes that can be made (such as choosing the right flooring) and the small motifs that can be added to a room to give the sense of the outdoors.

SEO Best Practices for Blog Posts

By making a blog SEO friendly, you can make your blog posts more relevant to search engine traffic and as a result increase the total amount of blog visitors. Here is a checklist to optimize your blog post for SEO.