Oct 14, 2015 | Historical Infographics
The continuing progress of modern technology has produced wonderful new games and toys for children. However, there’s something inherently charming about the toys of decades past that today’s parents and grandparents grew up with. From the most basic sock toys that were a hit in 1800s to the Rubik’s cube that was introduced in 1974, all these classic toys have given everyone a sense of nostalgia and awesome memories.
Oct 14, 2015 | Career Infographics
Are you looking for a tech talent for your company? If you are not a techie, this process gets even harder. Check out this interesting infographic from Modis to get all the help you need for this strenuous process.
Oct 13, 2015 | Finance & Money Infographics
How much does it cost your favorite sitcom families to live their day-to-day lives? The team at FatWallet went in search of the answers by dissecting The Simpsons, Full House, Family Guy, Rug Rats and more.
Oct 13, 2015 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Moving to a new home is often exciting but can also be stressful for you – and it’s easy to forget how our pets can be affected too. Pets can get nervous and anxious during the moving period. This easy-to-digest guide can help you to ensure that bringing your furry friend along for the ride is less stressful for everyone.
Oct 13, 2015 | Health Infographics
This infographic will help to ease your dental fears so you can book that visit to the dentist’s now before you let a minor problem become a major one.
Oct 13, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
Visigility has developed the following infographic which aims to teach businesses how to create a marketing budget with percent of revenue recommendations and step-by-step guidance on calculating ROI.
Oct 12, 2015 | Lifestyle Infographics
Maintenance can’t prevent all your repair needs, but it can prevent most. And it’s in your best interest to keep your current car running smoothly for as long as possible. Ready to give your vehicle the preventative care it deserves? Read on to explore the benefits of preventative vehicle maintenance in this infographic.
Oct 12, 2015 | Education Infographics
The transition from high school to college is one of the most anticipated changes for students. The current generation is extremely tech-savvy and their lives revolve around their gadgets. Research states that today’s teen spends over 8 hours on their smartphones every day and 51% of students use their smart device before they even get out of bed. And this trend is not slowing down. This infographic looks at why students prefer mobile-centric universities.
Oct 9, 2015 | Offbeat Infographics
When it comes to architecture and buildings, it’s easy to overlook and forget about just how impressive some structures actually are. From skyscrapers that stand thousands of feet in the air, to buildings that showcase intricate details that look like they’ve been hand-drawn, a building can sometimes be one of the most impressive things to look at.
Oct 8, 2015 | Lifestyle Infographics
Humans have been chasing the preservation of youth for ages. What has science taught us since, and where do we currently stand in our search? To bring the facts and figures to life, here is a series of illustrations in a graphic novel style, imagining a short story of Ponce de Leon, who joins us on our quest in search of immortality.