How Many Calories Do You Drink Every Day?

People are increasingly interested in the details of their nutrition and how many calories they are taking in each day, not only because of potential weight problems, but also because they know that proper nutrition plays a big role in maintaining a healthy organism. The following infographic lists some of the most popular beverages and the amount of calories per 12 oz, as well as the amount of calories per customary serving size of each drink.

When to Use JPEG, GIF, & PNG Image Types

It can be challenging to know which file type is the best to use for images. Save your image as the wrong type and you could end up blurring a beautiful photo, losing all the detail of your logo, or turning a transparent background black. To better understand what the perfect image file type is for images and save a lot of space and bandwidth in the process, all while maintaining a quality image, check out the following informative infographic.

Personal Internet Security

The following infographic covers the area of security for Internet users. This is a really important area and is becoming even more relevant today as the amount of phishing scams and the like continues to rise.

The Rise of Eco-Friendly Golf Courses

Very few non-motorised sports come under fire as regularly as golf for their environmental impact. What is sometimes overlooked is the amount of work golf is doing to ameliorate the effect it has on the environment, and in some cases even endeavouring to be a positive force in landscape management. This infographic outlines the challenges facing golf and shows how golf can become more eco-friendly.

Mobile Commerce Growing 300% Faster Than eCommerce

As growing adoption of smart devices makes shopping for the general population easier through apps, mobile commerce is on track to grow 300% faster than entire eCommerce by 2016. Data compiled by Coupofy suggests that between 2013 and 2016 mobile shopping will grow 42% compared to regular eCommerce’s 13%. Moreover, mobile shoppers will spend a total of $600 billion in 2018, a 300% growth from 2014’s $200 billion.

Trophy Trucks

While driving a death-defying trophy truck in desert races takes a massive amount of mechanical capability and customized components, bringing together a qualified team is equally important. Check out the infographic below that was put together by leading metal supplier of trophy trucks, Industrial Metal Supply, with the help of one of the best off-road trophy truck drivers in the game, Matt Lovell, to get an up-close look at just how much work it takes to prepare a trophy truck for battle.

Do’s and Don’ts of Juicing

Juicing has become so mainstream to the point that it is more than just a fad diet option. Although juicing can have valuable health benefits, there can also be downsides to juicing if not consumed properly. Juice cleanses can be even more dangerous, when substituting a juice only diet in place of meals. The expert physicians over at PhysicianOne Urgent Care have put together this helpful infographic to help you learn everything about juicing properly.

10 Ways to Fall Asleep on a Plane

During the long flights, we all just want to close our eyes and doze off. But, for most people this is not that easy to do. Find out simple tricks that can help you with that in this informative infographic from Work the World.