The Garden of Fantasy Flora: 80 Plants from Fiction

Plants, flowers, trees and other flora have played a huge part in fictional universes since the dawn of fiction. Movies, television shows, video games, books and comics use the small details like unique species of plants to bring the world to life and engage their fans. This infographic is a collection of the most iconic and memorable plants and flowers from fictional fantasy and science fiction universes.

Which Indoor Plant is Right for Your Home?

Every home is more beautiful when decorated with some greenery. You don’t have to give up on owning a plant, even if you don’t have a green thumb. In this intriguing infographic from you will find out which plant is a perfect choice for your home.

Fascinating Homes That Actually Exist

We’ve all thought about our ‘Dream home’ but would you be so brave as to ‘live on the edge’ in a cliff house or build a home that’s ‘out of this world’ in the shape of a spaceship? The following infographic features the most outrageous homes in the world. From weird to wonderful and the downright wacky, here’s a rundown of the world’s most fascinating homes.

How Sleep Impacts Happiness

While most people are aware of the health benefits of getting a proper night’s sleep, being well-rested can also greatly improve other areas of one’s life. This has much to do with sleep’s impact on brain function, which factors into everything from personal interactions to manual tasks. To this end, the following infographic shows just how important sleep is to achieving true happiness with one’s life.

The Ultimate Zombie Warrior

Zombies can be quite resilient. It’s best to aim for the head and decapitate the undead. Here Ebates Coupons looks at the weapons used by your favorite movie heroes, along with a kill count analysis that helps us determine just who is the Ultimate Zombie Warrior.

How Music Affects Your Driving

Listening to music makes the everyday task of driving from A to B, a little bit less boring. Whether your music tastes lie with AC/DC or Mozart, we all love to bop along to our favorite tunes whilst in the car. But just how does the music you listen to affect your performance at the wheel? Here is an infographic that explains how influential your music preferences are in relation to your driving.

7 Ways to Stay Motivated at Work

How often do you get distracted when doing some task at work? Staying motivated during the whole day is not easy, but it is not impossible. Check out this infographic from Pro Essay Writer to get best advice.

Which Fitness Tracker Is Right For You?

In recent years, the wearable technology industry has exploded, with fitness-centric wearables leading the way. Fitbits, Jawbones and other fitness trackers are now a common accessory, and the technology is only getting smarter with some trackers able to monitor sleep patterns, calories burned, and heart rate.

Age Watch – 37 Stats On Older People Revealed

Many Western countries are facing a ‘greying’ population, as both health standards and life expectancy rise. But what does that mean for older people today, and just how well do they live? Bluebird Care has developed a fascinating infographic on Age Watch – 37 Stats on Older People Revealed. It shows a comprehensive analysis from Ireland, the United Kingdom and United States, when it comes to health status, income security, transport standards, and so much more.