Every Satellite Orbiting Earth and Who Owns Them

As of the writing of this post, there are currently 4,550 satellites orbiting the Earth. Their purposes range from military observation to communications. But which countries and companies are responsible for each of these satellites? This graphic visualizes the companies that are responsible for the most satellites as well as their countries of operations.

The Link Between Sleep and Success

Is there a link between sleep and success? If you look at the habits of successful people, you will find that many of them sleep the minimum requirement of 7 hours a night. Learn more about how sleep and success go hand in hand in the infographic below.

US Social Commerce Habits in 2022

The survey data presented in this report was collected from 1,000 users based in the US who submitted an online survey in December 2021. The Influencer Marketing Factory’s goal was to understand their preferences when it comes to online shopping behavior and preferences, live stream and overall if and how they shop on social media.

41 Ships, Boats, & Yachts From Pop Culture

There’s something so captivating about a majestic, powerful vessel braving the high seas. There’s a vast sense of freedom that’s both liberating and terrifying. Many stories are told upon the expanse of the ocean, and the boats, ships, and yachts often become legendary characters themselves.

Brand Names From Around the World

We all know that you need to localize your content when taking your brand across the globe. The message you emit is important to any audience you target and literal translations of the message won’t always cut it. But who would have thought that sometimes a brand name change is in order?

Why is Inflation So High?

Inflation has hit a record high lately – at 6.8%, it’s at the highest it has been in the last 30 years. What drives inflation and why is it so high? Learn more in the following infographic, courtesy of Expensivity.