Jul 17, 2015 | Technology Infographics
The world has never been more connected, prosperous and healthy. Due in no small part to the development and spread of wondrous technologies around the world. But what if you chose to take over the world instead of helping it? Which technologies would be best to use in your arsenal? This infographic digs into the most powerful technologies, from the funny to the scary.
Jul 16, 2015 | Home & Garden Infographics
Artwork can really change the look of every room. But, it is not easy to decide where to hang it to get best results. Luckily, in this infographic you will get all the advice you need for displaying art in your home.
Jul 16, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
Devesh Design looked into stats complied by reliable sources like McKinsey & Company and Word Stream, to compare engagement between email marketing and social media. It turns out email absolutely dominates Twitter and Facebook. Explore this idea further in the following infographic.
Jul 16, 2015 | Education Infographics
Technology’s role in the classroom has drastically increased in recent years – with technology funding jumping from around $800 million in the early 2000s to nearly $12 billion in 2015. With wireless connectivity, tablets, and video conferencing, classrooms are beginning to look less like rooms in a school building and more like the bridge of the Enterprise every day.
Jul 15, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
In the following infographic, discover why you should re-purpose content, why Twitter should be main a focus, and learn 6 easy ways to re-purpose content and 4 tools you can use. Get started on awesome content re-purposing right away with this aid.
Jul 15, 2015 | Transportation Infographics
Most of us have owned a car at some point of our adult lives – and nobody forgets their first car. It’s a harsh reality that our first cars rarely last long – so where do they go when we’re finished with them? This infographic aims to explain everything.
Jul 14, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
It’s a lot easier to make a responsive web than a fully responsive newsletter. Why? Email messages are built on tables and that makes the difference. While most of the common browsers support web responsiveness, email providers don’t work the same way. Take a look at infographic and learn how to design emails that will look stunning on every screen.
Jul 14, 2015 | Career Infographics
In a day and age when manual labor jobs are becoming few and far between, machinery and ‘robots’ are becoming increasingly prominent in the workplace. This infographic takes a look at the role that the Industrial Revolution played in the shift towards automation, and which jobs are most likely to be affected by A.I and automation in careers such as cashiers, secretaries and telemarketers.
Jul 14, 2015 | Lifestyle Infographics
Space rovers are vehicles designed to move across the surface of celestial bodies and planets. From manned rovers to incredible autonomous laboratories, space rovers play a crucial role in our pursuit of cosmic knowledge. In this infographic, discover everything you ever wanted to know about space rovers.
Jul 14, 2015 | Transportation Infographics
From the makers of High Speed History comes a high-octane sequel spanning 1963 through the present day. Behold the incredible speed achieved by these talented drivers in a variety of categories in the following infographic.