50 Great Recipes That Wouldn’t Be the Same Without Wine

Wine is a healthy source of a liquid intake when taken in exact amounts. And, because of its nutritive value, healthy contribution and irresistible taste, it becomes one of the best ingredients in food preparations that foods wouldn’t leave a mouthful goodness without it. These are just some of the many recipes that become delectably delicious with the presence of wine.

20 Bizzare Gifts Received by Barack Obama

As the most powerful man in the world; a universally-known statesman; and representative of millions, it’s natural that Barack Obama receives a lot of gifts. The gifts received are as interesting as the man and the gift-givers, and this infographic chronicles the best.

Is the Era of Fast Food Coming to an End?

A number of companies criticized in the past for not providing healthy alternatives to their products are facing a systematic decrease in sales and operational revenue. Various trends around the world indicate, that indeed the public seems to have growing interest and awareness of food products supplied in shops and restaurants. The need for organic, free range or natural products takes its toll on traditional fast food.

6 Problems Driverless Cars Will Need To Overcome

Have you already started dreaming about driving in the autonomous cars? Well, you’ll have to wait a little longer because they still need to overcome several problems before hitting the road. In this infographic find out what the problems they are facing and how soon they will be solved.

Optical Illusions, How Our Eyes Trick Our Mind

Did you know that over 50% of the cortex, the large outer layer of the brain, is devoted to vision? Optical illusions illustrate that the mind makes assumptions about the world. This gifographic covers optical illusions from primitive forms starting with the Ancient Greeks in 350BC, to 21st century illusions in the field of theoretical neurobiology.

Diets: From Caveman To Modern Homo Sapiens

Did you know that there are foods that humans are designed to eat? These foods, along with proper exercise will help you lose weight, look great and feel your best. One recent trend has been people working towards a more natural food diet. NordicTrack recently conducted research on the Paleo diet and how it compares to a healthy diet recommended by the USDA. The infographic below will walk you through the homo sapiens diet over time.

What is Your Sofa Personality?

Have you been living with the wrong sofa? Find out if you and your sofa are a match made in heaven, or if its time to move on to a new one. The HipVan Blog has the perfect infographic to show you which sofa matches your personality.