Mar 20, 2015 | Career Infographics
Bad working atmosphere can really ruin your good mood, especially if you are doing a boring job. Have you ever dreamed that you could work while relaxing on the beach? Make your dreams come true and read this interesting infographic to find out how to become a digital nomad.
Mar 20, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
When it comes to branding your company, a logo is one of the most powerful tools available. Logos create instant recognition, shape customers’ feelings about companies, and help businesses stand out. Done right, a logo represents the culture and style of your business, leaving potential customers with a well-crafted impression each time they see it.
Mar 19, 2015 | Environmental Infographics
When we recycle, we don’t tend to think about the process our trash takes from the trash can to a newly manufactured product made from recycled materials. The single stream recycling process enables us to combine multiple recyclable items into one trash can, simplifying the process and encouraging more people to recycle. So what happens once the trash reaches the recycling plant?
Mar 19, 2015 | Business Infographics
Starting a business poses many questions, but first and foremost is the idea of location and how it will play a role in the startups imminent failure or success. When a startup company is set in motion one of the most fundamental questions to answer is, where in the world should this startup be launched? The following infographic breaks down the best places in the world for a startup company based on funding, education of the workforce, economic health, the level of taxing that exists, and what the cost of living looks like.
Mar 19, 2015 | Health Infographics
Allergies can be really hard to deal with, especially if they attack you frequently. Did you know that there are various allergy triggers even in your home? Learn how to get rid of them and make your home more allergy friendly in this helpful infographic.
Mar 18, 2015 | Offbeat Infographics
Building Millennium Falcon has been a long unreachable goal of all Star Wars fans. Have you ever dreamed about how to build it? In this infographic, you will find out the cost of building this incredible ship and discover is this dream is actually reachable.
Mar 17, 2015 | Transportation Infographics
Did you know that most big rig truckers spend on average 300 days each year on the road? Being a trucker can sometimes be a thankless job, but truckers are an integral part of the economy, delivering the goods and materials that keep the country going. This infographic looks at big rig truckers – the unsung heroes of American transportation.
Mar 16, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
You don’t have to be a huge, well-known brand to make it on Instagram. The great thing about social media marketing for businesses is that relatively everyone has the same chance of gaining followers. However, having said that, getting your brand’s profile off the ground on a new social media channel can feel like an impossible task. Here is a compelling infographic that explains how to do it in as little as 7 steps.
Mar 16, 2015 | Marketing Infographics
Surely you have all noticed that you better remember what you see than what you hear or read. But have you ever wondered why? Find out everything about power of visual data in this infographic created by NeoMam Studios.
Mar 16, 2015 | Law and Legal Infographics
Effective January 1, 2015, Minnesota’s expungement law provides new opportunities for people to seal criminal records. Sometimes called Minnesota’s new “Second Chance Law,” the ability to successfully seal a criminal record and get a fresh start is now possible.