Strange Laws Around the World

Before you travel it is always advised that you make yourself aware of the local laws and customs. The last thing you want on your travels is a heavy fine or time behind bars, because, the money is probably better being put towards a more fulfilling experience! With that in mind, here are some strange laws from around the world you may want to ‘know before you go.’

Public Transit & Mobile WiFi: Millennials Lead the Way

Millennials want to connect with the community and the world, and they’re using mobile WiFi to do so. As the generation that considers mobile phones more essential than cars, Millennials use public transportation more often than Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers as they seek to help the planet, socialize online during rides, and make their lives more convenient.

What Is Inbound Marketing?

Have you noticed the term “inbound marketing” being thrown around lately? The concept has taken the marketing world by storm. It involves combining a variety of online marketing disciplines into a holistic approach that focuses on attracting, engaging and converting leads. Learn more about it in this infographic by Foremost Media.

French Immersion in Canada

Since the debut of the first French Immersion School in 1965, French Immersion education has been steadily growing across Canada. French immersion programs offer a variety of options to help your child succeed without the need for a French-speaking parent, and can ultimately guide your child to an accelerated and successful career. The following infographic looks at this in more detail.

Offshore Decommissioning Process in 6 Steps

Decommissioning an offshore platform can be costly, complicated, and dangerous. Understanding the process can be confusing, as there are many factors that come into play when deciding when and how offshore platforms are decommissioned. Mactech Offshore has created the following infographic with an end goal of educating users on some of the factors that go into this technically strategic process.

25 Years of SEO 1990-2015

It’s 25 years ago since the first search engine started being used – Archie in 1990 with Gopher hot on its heels in 1991. A few more had a good crack at it in the interim, but then, in 1997, along came Google. Now, SEO is big business for organizations of all sizes as they try to make sense of the algorithms and analytics. In this infographic, you can see the incredible growth of SEO over the last couple of decades.

Shadow IT: Data Protection And Cloud Security

This infographic looks at Shadow IT and the challenges that businesses face with employees utilizing apps and other tech that are not secure nor part of the business approved solutions. A staggering 81% of employees use non-sanctioned apps to conduct business related actions, and a great deal are not secure or have experienced breach.

How Technology is Renovating the Construction Industry

How are new tools helping the construction industry become safer, cleaner and more efficient? How are modern technologies changing the way we build the world around us? This infographic looks at major new developments, from exoskeletons to 3D printed buildings, to nanotechnology and autonomous robots, and the opportunities and challenges they’re ushering in.

The 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup in Numbers

The 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup is taking place in Australia and New Zealand, with the best international teams and players battling it out to be crowned champions of the biggest cricket tournament on the planet. This fact sheet covers everything you need to know about the tournament including the number of teams, venues and matches as well as ticket prices and expected attendances.