Then and Now – 45 Years of Internet Access

It’s amazing to think how far the Internet has come, since its development in 1969. Following this infographic, you can track the progression of internet connectivity over the years, up to the present day. What do you think the internet has in store for us in the future?

Can You Stick To Your 2015 Fitness Resolutions?

DW Fitness Clubs asked 1000 people if they had created a fitness resolution to get fit and healthy and if they had stuck to it. They wanted to identify who made resolutions and why they faced difficulties sticking to it. This information will help people to recognize where they might fall down, and inspire them to continue with their health and fitness regimes.

How to Write an Exceptional Cover Letter

When you are sending in your resume, a question that is often asked is whether you should write a cover letter or not. You may believe that no one reads cover letters and it is just a waste of time. But this is not true. Look at this in more detail with facts gathered and analyzed in the following infographic.

Craft Beer Pubs of London

This infographic takes an overview of the area of craft beers in the UK and specifically highlights craft beer pubs in London where an enjoyable time can be spent tasting the relevant beers on offer. It also covers some of the ‘lingo’ or terminology used in the sector so that you are then comfortable in choosing your order and highlights some insight from industry insiders.

Anatomy of a Trade Show Model

The following infographic is designed to respond to the inquiry “what does it require to be a model?” The focus is on promotional models and findings demonstrated that these models do not differ greatly from the general population based on physical characteristics. Data was collected from over 10,000 model profiles.

Clean Water Access In Developing Countries

This infographic presents some shocking statistics about just how far away the United Nations is from achieving their goal of 75% of the world to have access to safe drinking water by 2015. The infographic also provides an insight into the global sanitation coverage and shows how far we are behind the targets set.

Death of the One-Time Password

In 2004 Bill Gates predicted the death of the password. It now feels that we’re moving closer to seeing Gates’ prediction come to fruition, but why has it taken so long? takes a look at the death of the one-time password in this infographic.

Cyber Threats To Your Business

This infographic covers some interesting data about the topical concern that is cyber attacks. The graphic outlines some key statistics which may shock but it also suggests areas where small businesses can improve on in order to prevent a cyber attack damaging their business.

The Life of a Mobile Phone

We’re killing the earth with our phones. How? 56 million phones (roughly) ended up in land fills in 2008. But its not all doom and gloom. This infographic really shows the life of a phone and provides some cool and quite frankly interesting facts. For example did you know that phones contain gold , silver , platinum and barium, among other metals?