How Social Are Celebrities on Social Media

Social media has grown rapidly in the last decade and has changed the way people connect socially bringing people together from all corners of the globe who share the same interests, activities and views. It’s created endless platforms for aspiring singers, actors and writers who have the chance to get their voice heard. In this infographic learn how social celebrities actually are on social media.

How to Start a Startup?

Wondering how to start a startup? There are few ways. Building it on your own (if you have proper skills) or going to the accelerators and outsourcing the development are two ways. Check out what do you need to do before applying to accelerator, where are the best incubators, how they work and why is it worth to outsource the MVP development in this infographic.

FinanceU Syllabus

Here is a fun infographic for students and parents to assist with planning ahead, evaluating the total cost of a college education, and understanding the return on your investment.

5 Advertising Predictions for 2015

2015 will be a big year for advertising. In an industry that’s all about being seen and remembered in a digital environment with an increasing amount of noise, how do you avoid getting lost in the shuffle? The following infographic highlights what trends, changes, and advances are on the horizon for the industry.

The Beauty of Custom Barn Homes

What do you get when you combine everything you seek in a home and the ultimate workspace? A barn home. Also referred to as “barndominums” or “barndos,” barn homes are hot in the custom housing market. In this infographic, you’ll see how this barn home melds the homeowner’s love for entertaining along with his love of the outdoors.

U.S. Transportation Innovation Means Mobile WiFi Is On the Move

In the past decade, mass transportation ridership has exploded to levels that haven’t been reached since the 1950’s. Increasing numbers of Millennials are choosing to take the train to work rather than drive, giving them an extra chunk of potentially productive time during their day. With mobile WiFi, commuters have the opportunity to utilize travel time, and 68% of riders are willing to watch ads to get it.

How Smart Luggage Will Change Travel

Technology is changing the way we live and also the way we travel. There has been much progress in the area of tracking your luggage, which should make life easier for all passengers. Read this infographic to learn more about this interesting topic.

20 Web Design Trends That Will Shape The Internet in 2015

The web design industry has seen many changes over the years. With new technology giving rise to new screen sizes and methods of accessing the internet those trends are expected to change quite remarkably over the next 12 months or so too. Red Website Design have listed the 20 design trends they expect to feature heavily in 2015 in the following infographic.

How to Hide Your Household Eyesores

Various eyesores around house can make everybody crazy. People often think that these problems are unsolvable but that is not true. In this helpful infographic from Heiton Buckley, you can find couple of easy and cheap ways for solving these eyesores.