Sensible Social Media Checklist for Businesses v3.0

The Whole Brain Group’s previous infographic, The Sensible Social Media Checklist for Businesses v2.0, was such a huge hit that they expanded and updated it to include more social media channels and a smarter strategy. Version 3.0 includes SlideShare and best practices for targeting the right audience.

The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies

It all began with the words, “In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit.” The Hobbit trilogy is coming to an end this year with the final film, The Battle of the Five Armies, and the folks at got to thinking, just how does one have a battle with five armies anyway? They explored the words of J.R.R. Tolkien himself and used them to create this battle map and companion infographic.

Travel Technology is Taking Off

During the holidays, the number of travelers increases over 50% and about 3.5 million head abroad. With so many people on the go, how is technology improving the ease and comfort of travel? Find out in this infographic.

The Most Daring Prison Break-Outs

Jail Breaks conjure up images of blockbuster movies and great fiction books. However some of the biggest jail breaks have been the ones that have taken place in real life. Convicts have gone to great lengths to find freedom. While some have been successful in their quest most have been recaptured.

Life Without the Internet

Today, you’ve probably already signed on to at least one social media website, or checked one of your favorite news websites, or at the very least taken a quick glance at your emails to see what’s up. But what if you didn’t have any access to all of that? This infographic looks at life without the Internet.