Dumb & Dumber Guide on How NOT To Do Infographics

A quick break here from infographics to present a session I did on infographics at Pubcon Vegas 2014. It is entitled, “Dumb & Dumber Guide on How NOT To Do Infographics,” and takes a look at some reasons why infographics kick ass, their history and common mistakes that are made in the design and marketing processes.

A Platform for Omnichannel Success

This iQmetrix infographic is designed to deliver statistics about consumer demands for omnichannel shopping options not currently met by retailers and how businesses can alter their strategy to deliver consistent experience across all channels.

Visualizing The Future of Travel

Here is an infographic that takes a look into how travel by land, sea and air will change in the not to distant future. From renting cars to traveling by train, the way we get around as we know is going to dramatically change.

Are You a Hustler or a High Roller?

The results are in and casinos are justifiably concerned. With gutsy determination, extreme tenacity and especially a worthwhile system, hustlers have been scoring unprecedented gains at the gaming tables all over the world. Want to know if you’re a true hustler? Check out this infographic from Europalace.

The Importance of Organic Cotton

Organic cotton offers a softer touch than ordinary cotton. This infographic from Boll and Branch shows the environmental and social benefit of choosing products made with certified organic cotton.

How Your Devices Learn to Talk to You

Here is an informative infographic that breaks down how your devices learn to talk to you.  The graphic takes us through how automatic speech recognition (ASR) works, examples of ASR at work and also how speech recognition learns from you.

The Tradesmen That Built America

The United States of America just passed 238 years, so it’s a good time to look back at the brave and hardworking people who built this country. Leaders in the construction industry and workers in the skilled trades built the houses we live in, the buildings we work in, the streets we drive on, the bridges we cross over, and much more.

Private Water Well Guidelines & Safety

Gathering data from sources like the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Environmental Services Center, and Well Owner, this infographic serves to highlight how to maintain your private water well and how to keep the water safe for you and your family.