Ultimate Guide to Leather

Crocodile, buffalo, cow, goat – we know they are common sources of leather. But did you know that stingray and eelskin also make for good leather? Leather is used in many trades like fashion, furnishing, and even sports equipment production. Everyday items like bags, clothes, shoes, belts, and even your couch at home are best when made of leather because it’s always durable and aesthetically valued.

The Future Of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the future and there is no need to re-think it. Cloud is one unique technique that offers data storage service not on any hard drive but on internet. The data is secure on cloud and there are several unique facilities are been provided with cloud computing.

Back-to-School Shopping Goes Mobile

Mobile shopping app Shopular recently surveyed nearly 300 consumers to purvey attitudes about the 2014 Back-to-School Shopping season. The results are included in the Shopular “Back-to-School Shopping GOES MOBILE” study and infographic—mapping this year’s top trends.

Asset Tracking in Education

If you’re involved in school administration of any kind, you know it’s critical to take care of your assets now, because there’s no guarantee of receiving new replacements tomorrow. And as schools evolve from the traditional chalkboard and move towards technology-driven education, asset tracking becomes even more valuable. In the following infographic, Asset Panda explores asset tracking in education.

Rule the Local Search Results

Local business owners behold: it’s time to learn how you can make your official company website more visible. This visual guide is created with you in mind. SEO for local businesses is a must, it’s time to update your knowledge and attract new customers.

The Complete Guide To YouTube Playlists

Most everyone reading this has either used YouTube or if you are like me, use it on a daily basis. One of the features YouTube is the ability to create Playlists. In essence, YouTube Playlists allow you to organize your content in a logical order. You can think of a playlist like a music album and the videos in the playlist are the songs.

How Consumers Foot The Bill For Data Breaches

Many consumers don’t realize they often end up footing the bill for data breaches where their personal data is not even compromised. This usually happens by the companies who are affected by the data breach passing the costs onto consumers with higher prices. Here is an infographic that shows how consumers end up footing the bill for data breaches.