Jul 28, 2014 | Technology Infographics
Technology can be a huge help in college. It can help you communicate, find information, share resources, add comfort to your dorm room, remind you of deadlines, and so much more. It can also be a huge time-suck, distraction, and temptation. There’s no doubt that you need solid technology on campus and that college students tend to be some of the most-gadgetized early adopters of new tech.
Jul 28, 2014 | Health Infographics
From juicing to Paleo, Atkins to Mediterranean, it is increasingly difficult to keep up with the new diet trends. It seems as though there is always something new. This infographic has everything you need to know about diet restrictions, inclusions, prep time, and cost.
Jul 25, 2014 | Lifestyle Infographics
A recent survey shows 63% of people read books, magazines and newspapers while on the toilet. People spend an average of 30 minutes in the bathroom every day. Check out this this infographic and see what exactly everyone is reading and what health problems it might cause.
Jul 25, 2014 | Food & Drink Infographics
This infographic by Evoke.ie offers an insight into the world of coffee that you perhaps never considered, including the amount of calories in different types of coffee drinks, how do calories compare in different coffee chains and what researchers say about coffee addiction.
Jul 24, 2014 | Offbeat Infographics
Over a quarter of the world’s population currently uses social media, and with more and more people joining social media networks and a digital generation getting older, this infographic explores what happens after someone dies in their digital afterlife. It reveals various ways in which you can choose to deal with a deceased loved one’s social profiles, and also explores some ways you can pre-plan your digital afterlife.
Jul 24, 2014 | Marketing Infographics
In the pursuit of deeper connections with their desired audience, brands leave behind traditional advertising and find that providing compelling branded content is what really moves consumers to be a part of their story – their brand story. This infographic from PlayNetwork illustrates the importance of brand storytelling, from the consumer’s viewpoint.
Jul 23, 2014 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Everyone loves a hero. But sometimes the most memorable character is the villain. Here is an infographic by the New York Film Academy highlighting 10 of the darkest characters in the history of film.
Jul 23, 2014 | Business Infographics
When designing a logo, keep in mind that there are five basic logo styles for to consider. Each one has strengths and weaknesses that will appeal to various industries. In this infographic, The Logo Company looks at these in more detail.
Jul 23, 2014 | Offbeat Infographics
SelectQuote’s Killer Facts and Odds of Dying infographic reveals some shocking statistics about death that are sure to raise your eyebrows. As you can see, most of the ways that people are afraid to die are the least likely to happen – while the most frequent causes of death are often overlooked.
Jul 22, 2014 | Home & Garden Infographics
Take a look at these packing and moving tips before you bring your belongings to your new storage unit. You’ll be much happier with the condition of what’s stored when you take the proper steps to ensure its well-being.