Is Reddit a Force for Good or Evil?

Reddit has over 5 billion page views a month, making it one of the most influential web sites on the planet. But do Reddit and its users wield that influence responsibly? Check out this infographic to learn why Reddit may be good or evil.

Pica: Addicted to Eating Things That Aren’t Food

Pica, a little known obsessive compulsive and eating disorder, is on the rise. Pica is when an individual craves and consumes non-nutritional items such as dirt, rocks or even nails. Read this infographic to learn more about pica and one of the most severe cases recorded.

Data Driven E-commerce

As you may expect, there has been an explosion in the use of ecommerce over the last few years. In fact, ecommerce is a $220 billion market in the USA alone, with online retail sales planned to hit $370 billion by 2017. Mobile ecommerce is soaring as well accounting for 24% of retail ecommerce sales in 2014 in UK planned to rise to 35% in 2017. AmeriCommerce has created the following data filled infographic full of ecommerce stats.

Facts About Being Under the Influence

A Houston attorney office gathered some important facts about driving under the influence to share with everyone. The statistics are visually represented in the following infographic and reveal how common that driving under the influence occurs.

Fireworks Safety

Fireworks can be extremely fun or they can be extremely dangerous. Over the next month or so, more than 5,000 people are likely to get hurt because of them. You don’t have to be one of these people. Learn what you can about fireworks safety in this infographic and be sure to enjoy your 4th of July.

How to Beat the Airport Layover Blues

If the combination of long flights, crying babies and minimal sleep wasn’t enough, adding an airport layover can spell disaster. However, once you think of the airport as a playground, fun is bound to follow. This infographic by Corporate Traveller looks at how to beat the airport layover blues.

Job Searching And Stats

As the job market continues to expand, knowing the right methods for finding a new position can mean the difference between moving up in the world and having to clean out your desk at a moment’s notice. Understanding the best strategies for everything from networking to preparation is very important when your career path takes those unexpected twists and turns.

Iconic Street Art from Around the World

Street art makes art available to the masses. It doesn’t require us to fork out money at an art gallery as it is there for everyone to appreciate in all its rustic glory. This infographic takes a look at some of the best street art the world has to offer.

Simple Ways to Keep Healthy Testosterone Levels

This infographic goes over tips to help maintain a healthy testosterone level, the effects of an imbalanced testosterone level, and important statistics on men’s health. This extremely important health issue that too often goes undiscussed. From avoiding soy to increasing Vitamin D, this infographic gives the do’s and don’ts to help any male keep their testosterone in check.