Seasonal Guide to Sprinkler Care & Maintenance

Caring for your sprinkler system year-round is essential to maintaining a functional sprinkler system that will last for many years, as well as save you money on costly repairs. Learn how and when to turn on and off your sprinkler system and when to check for problems with this seasonal guide to sprinkler care and maintenance.

The Origin of the Sporran

The Sporran, Scottish Gaelic for “purse,” is a traditional component of the male Scottish Highland Dress. It is in essence a pouch that serves the same function as pockets s traditional kilts do not include pockets. This infographic takes a look at the origin of the sporran as well as featuring a few different styles of sporrans that are available today.

Top 5 Famous/Rich People Who Skipped Homework

Parents and educators are forever battering children with reasons why they should do their homework. We all know that grades and academic achievements can be major factors in choosing and being successful in a career. Yet, there are some very successful, rich and famous people who have achieved what they have without great academic success behind them.

Tea Culture in America

Come along with Buddha Teas as they take us on a journey were explore the impact tea has had on America and its culture. Learn about its history, general information on tea as well as some common food pairings with different types of teas.

The Four Types of Portable Air Conditioning

If you live in any kind of hot climate, you no doubt appreciate your air conditioner! However, many do not understand what the different types of air conditioners actually are and their main pros and cons. This infographic looks at the four types of portable air conditioners.

Ireland A Literary Atlas

Ireland has a rich literary culture. In fact, there are few places on earth that are so perfectly evoked through their literature as Ireland. Learn all about it in this infographic.

Whiplash in Car Accidents

This infographic is to show the injuries that can occur in most common auto accidents and it shows how whiplash forms. It illustrates what causes whiplash, how to recognize it’s symptoms, and what you can do to prevent injury in the future. Most people can recover from a whiplash injury within a few weeks but others may develop chronic pain that lasts for years.