The Light Fight HID, Fluorescent, & Induction Bulbs

Not all lighting is created equal. With today’s industrial strip lights and commercial need for efficiency and durability, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each type before replacing or installing new lighting. To help you choose, the folks at have staged a light fight in this infographic to see what kind of commercial lighting comes out on top.

Breaking Down Breaking Bad

In the following infographic, the folks at When I Work have put together a comprehensive overview of what some consider to be the best television drama of all time. Before scrolling down to look through it though, take note: this infographic does include spoilers!

The Truth About Brain Training

We all know that our memories become hazier as we age, and the newest cure is brain training: games and puzzles that are rumored to help keep your brain in tip-top shape – or even improve it. But is the science behind this newest phenomenon solid? Here is an infographic entitled “The Truth About Brain Training”, explaining the myths and science motivating the brain training movement.

How To Create the Ultimate Mailshot

There are of course good and bad mailshots and creating something that has the desired impact does require careful skill and consideration, after all, you have only seconds to win your audience’s attention. This infographic from Baker Goodchild looks at how to create the ultimate mailshot.

The Zombie Computer

As a business, your up-time is your lifeblood, and stemming the flow of intrusion is vital to keeping your staff and your customers working at full capacity. In this infographic, Bluehost takes a look at how organized networks of “zombie computers” can damage your IT infrastructure, and how to select the right webhost to keep your network safe.

How B2B Businesses Are Tackling Social Media in 2014

Although it may seem counter-intuitive to many, B2B is close on the heels of B2C in embracing social media marketing. B2B marketers are known to be data crunchers and analysts first, and since the figures for social media in 2013 are by no means disappointing, sales teams and marketing managers are taking on the role of social “amplifiers” for their firms.

How Infected Are We?

This infographic from TopTenReviews reveals some malware stats and shows which countries are most infected as well as which types of malware are the most common.

Drawing a Blank? Know Your Gun Laws!

If you own, or carry a gun regularly, it’s important that you know your gun laws and your rights. 44 states have constitutional provision protecting the right to keep and bear arm. However many state laws are different by state and you also need to consider federal gun laws as well. This infographic reviews those laws.

LinkedIn: Referrals Make a Difference

Agree or disagree, but finding a job after college is really more about networking with the right people than applying for countless jobs. When you consider that most jobs are not even advertised, the value of networking becomes evident. In this infographic, looks at how LinkedIn referrals can make the difference in finding a job.